Under the Rainbow - Logs community - November 25th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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November 25th, 2008

[Nov. 25th, 2008|12:11 am]
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Who: Henry Spivey, Norah Skinner, possible cameo by Edward
What: Henry needs to see his shrink
When: Sometime tonight
Where: Their place
Warnings: TBD

Norah wasn't quite sure what was wrong with Henry, but she was sure that it had to do with Edward. It always did. Well not always, but his family wasn't there, so it was probably Edward. Maybe the fact that they didn't have a job had something to do with it. It could be a lot of things actually. She'd just have to wait and see.

She went and got a glass of water while she waited for Henry to come home, sitting in her office and making herself comfortable.
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[Nov. 25th, 2008|08:55 am]
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Who: Henry, Domino, and Nate
What: Doctor's visit
Where: Henry's lab
When: Wednesday (predated!)
Warnings: cursing, tl;dr

I'd give it all for you by my side once more. . . )
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