Under the Rainbow - Logs community - November 14th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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November 14th, 2008

[Nov. 14th, 2008|07:52 am]


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[Current Mood |calm]

Who: Malakai and Willow
Where: Her place
When: Evening
What: She needs company
Rating: TBD

Company was all she sought )
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[Nov. 14th, 2008|08:09 am]
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Who: Domino, Nathan, and Henry
What: results of her tests
When: This last Wednesday morning
Where: Henry's lab
Warnings: tl.dr

I got you, Babe... )
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[Nov. 14th, 2008|10:51 am]
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Who: Denny Duquette and Izzie Stevens
What: Reuniting
When: Today
Where: Kent Memorial
Warnings: More schmoopy angst then you can stand

Izzie usually wasn't the most rational being to begin with. Her emotions were always on her sleeve, and to a lot of people that was a bad thing, but it was also good. But this was almost too much to handle, and at the moment she didn't know how to handle it. Though she'd been wanting to kind of freak out about being in a new place, in an alternate dimension where she didn't know anyone, that soon took a back seat to this new thing. Denny was alive. And here.

A big part of her still didn't want to believe it. He'd been following her around, haunting her everywhere for a while now. He'd said he was real, he wanted her to touch him and she had and it had been the most real thing. But was that just a dream now? She didn't know, maybe she really was going completely crazy. She felt sick to her stomach about seeing him, being that nervous.

After she'd finally found Dr Cuddy who apparently ran the place, she explained everything that she was working there, or at least that's what it said on her jacket and in her wallet. And now she was waiting outside the ER for the ambulance to pull up, trying not to look like a deer in headlights. Maybe she'd break down after she made sure he was okay.
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[Nov. 14th, 2008|12:37 pm]


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Who: Charles Brandon and Jane Seymour
Where: Jane's place
When: Backdated to a few days after Henry's Party
What: A date! And Charles feels guilty for Jane's "death" so he has to make sure she's okay.
Rating: Not sure yet...

Chinese food and DVDs )
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[Nov. 14th, 2008|06:48 pm]
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Who: Soren and Cassidy
What: Driving, chilling.
Where: Western US
When: Tonight
Warnings: Likely.

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[Nov. 14th, 2008|08:13 pm]
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Who: Willow and Ilya
What: Coffee
When: Today
Warnings: None expected

Ilya made his way to meet Willow. They'd agreed to meet for coffee, and to discuss things. Ilya appreciated the offer of someone to talk to, someone who maybe knew a little about what he was feeling, what he was going through, and what he should do from here. He needed to learn to control his temper, his fire. He had no idea if he could start fires at will, just by thinking about it, or if he had to be really worked up like all the times he could remember.

He found himself hesitating before he knocked at her door. Not that he was apprehensive to see her, but because he was apprehensive about himself. He took a deep breath and raised his fist to knock anyway.
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[Nov. 14th, 2008|10:07 pm]

Who: Eli Stone and Peighton Halliwell
What: Meetings, Eli freaking out, coffee and explanations
When/Where: Right now, Eli's apartment in New York City
Warnings: Not that I can see

To say Eli was confused would be... well, not really an understatement. As far as insanity went, it wasn't the farthest of reaches, to see himself blacking out and making it across the country. Upsetting, yes, and defiantely inconvenient, but... he was in one piece. Still clothed. And in what appeared to be a very nice apartment, meaning whoever kidnapped him at least knew the art of the ransom note.

He wasn't exactly sure what made him agree to talk to the girl, although the prospect of coffee and good, pretty company didn't hurt. So, he made himself comfortable on the couch, and waited.
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