Under the Rainbow - Logs community - August 1st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - Logs community

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August 1st, 2008

[Aug. 1st, 2008|09:40 pm]


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Who: Sonya, Ganieda and later, everyone's favorite sorcerer
What: face to face encounter ( that's long over due)
Where: New York Central Park followed by the Tsung Mansion
When: Sunday afternoon

 It took a few days, but Sonya was finally getting a steady grip on her damned morning sickness. Morning's were still bad, but so long as she avoided a long list of foods (she didn't really need to eat them), she was able to keep it to a slight nausea.

She still tired easily, but it was Sunday and her day off. The day was a little  cloudy, but the fresh air-or as fresh as you could get in the Big Apple-helped her feel better and so did the walking. It wasn't even close to the strenuous work out she was used to, but anything near too that level made her dizzy.

Currently, she was power walking the length of Central park, dressed in athletic pants and tank,  blonde hair pulled back in a tail behind her head, and ipod turned on random. With only a week till she was due to leave for London, she'd wasn't spending her day off training indoors.
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