Under the Rainbow - Logs community - April 10th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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April 10th, 2008

[Apr. 10th, 2008|03:33 pm]
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Who: Winston and Antigone [What what?]
What: Walking around London.
Where: London.
When: Thursday afternoon
Rating: PG-13 me thinks.

With wide-eyed fascination he'd stepped out of his flat initially to look about the area around him. It was a rather crowded part of town which didn't surprise him nor disturb him in the least. Winston was used to crowded, so he felt a bit more at ease knowing there were people living beside him, across from him and under him. The buzz of the city however was completely different than the one he had left. He could hear automobiles on the street (not tanks, not armored vehicles he had to remind himself) and could see the blue sky above (no more gray).

It didn't take long for him to retreat back inside though as he felt a wave of nausea hit him. He wasn't in 1984 anymore, that much he could believe but as to where he was...he still wasn't sure. Of course he was on London and the people on the strange little machine he kept in his pocket claimed it was 2008 (could it really be?) but he still had his doubts and his worries.

Making his way to the ratty old couch, he dropped down onto it with a huff and rubbed his bare arms.
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[Apr. 10th, 2008|07:27 pm]
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Who: Bree Dennison and Winston Smith
Warnings: Nope.
When: Late afternoon...nowish?

That's great, it starts with an earthquake )
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