Sam Winchester (wnchestrgeekboy) wrote in utr_logs, @ 2008-07-26 20:17:00 |
Entry tags: | sam winchester |
Who: Sam and future!Dean Winchester
Where: The Winchester Compound Winchester Mansion
When: Now-ish
Why: Because Sammy's an awesome brother, and a brother's a brother no matter how...future-y.
Rating: Language for sure. Brothers are fixin' a car.
Sam paced nervously in the garage of his own house. He was going to see his other brother again, only this time it was up to him to hold him together. Dean had been great to talk to, in Vegas. Now Sam had to return the favor. Roxy was napping on her bed, poor thing was still a bit green from the trip.
Dean hated to fly, and he apparently had a thing against Portkeys...but if there was one thing Sam could count on, it was that Dean would come whenever he needed him. No matter how hard it was for him to get there.