Posts Tagged: 'ellaria+sand'

Dec. 27th, 2011



oberyn & ellaria

who: oberyn martell & ellaria sand. along with a princess and a whole bunch of little sands.
where: the water gardens, dorne
when: a few days after oberyn gets a talking to from doran
what: lovers reunited, offers made

I may be a Sand - like all your little Sands beyond the door, prince - but I do understand the familiarity of blood. I am my father’s daughter. Never mistake me for only. )

Apr. 15th, 2011



ellaria & oberyn.

who: ellaria sand & oberyn martell.
where: sunspear.
when: a few days after the exchange of letters between rhaegar and elia!
what: first meetings.

Even the feral saints called me mad but I was intoxicated, then, with the glory of you.  )