Sunday, July 5th, 2009

Who: Capt. Spencer, Lt. Nowak, Lt. Kuyavar, CPO Nguyen (Mod NPC), Ensign Wilkes
When: 2258.170
Where: The stratosphere and surface of an unnamed, pre-warp planet.
What: The retrieval team makes its arrival on the planet in search of the first landing party.
Rating: PG-13

The elements were against them exactly when they needed things to be in their favor. )
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Monday, June 22nd, 2009

Who: Wylie Nowak & Ben Sheldon
When: 2258.169 (Backdated)
Where: Mess Hall, USS Endeavour
What: Wylie eats dinner, and hopefully makes friends.
Rating: PG
Her part of the mission had been completed -- getting them to their destination, and after that, it was simply time to play the waiting game. )
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Thursday, June 11th, 2009


Who: Wylie Nowak
When: 2258.161, early evening.
Where: A communications booth on Earth Spacedock, then on board the stationed USS Endeavour.
What: Wylie has an uncomfortable conversation and then finds a way to unwind.
Rating: PG

So when she arrived at the bridge and slipped into her seat at the helm, it felt completely natural, as if everything was falling into place. )
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