May 24th, 2011

[info]ducere in [info]uprisingooc


Hey guys, so this week is super busy for me (PLUS I HAVE EAR INFECTIONS FML) and uh Saturday I leave to visit family in Maryland. I'll be returning June 2nd, only to rush to a theater to see X-MEN FIRST CLASS AT MIDNIGHT. WHO'S EXCITED AS I AM?!?! No one. Shut up. Anyway. That means I'll be back June 3rd officially, which means I am missing the big battle shenanigans. I have some plans for Duke, I just might not get to play it out in time/in game. Sad days. I might have internet access at the fam's but I really have no idea. SO YEAH TALK TO YOU BITCHES LATER.

p.s. I'll be on AIM, even if I'm mobile.
