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May 2016
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Mixed Bag

I'll make this short and not so sweet. Emo and I have been struggling to eek stuff out that makes sense for a good long while and as it turns out, the muse isn't very responsive to me anymore or to what I want to do with him really. I think its time I take the chance to offer him up to someone else before I go totally nuts. In addition Guthlaf will also be going since I don't really have the ability to develop him as I would like. ALSO seeing the things that I use him for, Alagos has been bumped to NPC status and I've put up an icon for him in the Amrothian Knight journal. Oh and Dred will be going back to Dol Amroth since angryking isn't there to make him stay now.

In addition to these drops, I want to try something a bit new but not totally unfamiliar so I'd like to bring my Bergil back into the swing of things. He has a journal at [info]beres_nightmare though he's a bit less chavvy this time which should prove helpful for interactions with Dad, Pippin and Faramir! Since you guys have seen him in action, I'm proceeding with requesting adding but if you'd rather see a sample let me know!

And um stuff yeah...