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May 2016
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Aragorn Elessar [userpic]

A few things:

Those in Minas Tirith when it fell: Gandalf led them into underground tunnels and rooms beneath the city.

The archives were saved, though with some losses. I don't know how. We can ask the Archivist, he'd know!

Any other questions, just drop a line here, along with what you're going to do with each character, that you can think of. *nodnod*

For me:

Miriel will pop up half drowned in the river, to be rescued by Ilsa.
Faramir has met Eowyn and has a thing for her, but they need to interact so we see what happens. (assuming Kate isn't permanately awol, otherwise tempted to have her die from ze witchking >.>) He's still recovering from..everything XD
Eomund will dig himself out of his own grave. In front of Eothain and Eomer. ZOMBIEEEEEEEE!
Gandalf is currently in Minas Tirith, being advisory
Celeborn I need to figure out, in relation to GAladriel
Minulziran is currently in Dol Amroth or Pelargir, I haven't decided.
Khamul will return. HE won't have to sword. Jessi might come back so I wanna check with her and stuff *nodnod*
Rodwen and her sister are in Tirith
Feorcwen is demoted to NPC status and is in Edoras. She missed Wulfy!
Ivri is being a pain in Imrahil's ass. I don't know how. Or why.


Eothain - he's in Minas Tirith with Eomer for that wedding stuff, and is essentially the same beast he's ever been, since day 1 when his stupid butt popped into my head. Will try to make him stop referring to MT as looking like a "royal's smashed birthday cake" since that might be deemed offensive. He will likely rebel and say it anyway, much to my dismay. He = pretty much whatever to everything, but with sarcasi!commentary offered at random/sporatic intervals.

Boromir - well, he can say he was sent over a waterfall, at least? Was 90% dead, because Aragorn didn't push that chest!arrow in the right direction. He's also rather disgruntled, but any threats to strangle a certain king when he sees him, again, are indeed empty threats since his mun would really like to see him try to smoosh a barn mouse in one hand or successfully swat a mosquito...of which, he can do neither. :D Otherwise, his 10% alive self was found by a certain river-woman v. v. close to the bottom of the waterfalls, and he's been/is being 'healed' (if 'healing' means just trying to keep him alive). So for all extensive purposes and for all anyone abroad knows, he's been a dead man this whole time. He = not a happy camper, nuh.

Ilsa - made a retreat from her cottage south of Osgiliath when things looked like they might take a turn for the worst, since it would have sucked for her having to sit by and essentially watch first-hand what was going to happen, but be unable to intervene in any big battle stuff. So she moved up ze river as far as she could early on, went all hidey, and then ended up taking care of a pincushion man who was pushed over aforementioned waterfall in elven canoe. Go her. o.O She = not a happy camper, either, but its more or less general empathy for what's happened (overall) in the time that passed...and that her 'patient' isn't responding as hoped to herbal therapy. <3

*tries to round up her muses*

OKay, so unless anything changes...

Arwen, Elladan, Elrohir, and New OC Ithiriel (pending app) are all in Rivendell, packing to bring Arwen to Minas Tirith for the wedding.

Galadriel's.. tired, but looking forward to the wedding of her favorite grandchild, and is also preparing to head down to Minas Tirith. After her and her Galadhrim leveled Dol Guldur, she gave rule of the woods over to Celeborn. She still bears Nenya, and seems... well.. pretty much like Galadriel. Sad and Tired and Ancient and Wise and Amused all mixed into one cryptic package.

Zaira's ship, The Abandoned Hope, went through a major refit after the last bit of nastiness with the corsairs, and can now be found docked in Pelargir, where she's thinking of opening up her new trade shop. She is, as Zaira always tends to be, without a father or mother, and missing Ecthy, though that's now happened a year or so ago instead of 4.

Eomer's in Minas Tirith with an apparently VERY cranky Eothain. And taking advantage of all the free booze!

( I THINK that covers all mine. Maybe. )

This morning, I was re-reading some of RotK (as it's currently sitting on the table by where I eat XD) and decided that if/when the Elvish wedding party goes through Edoras, Wulf might be there and ask if she could ride with them.

Wulfred is a bit worse for where than just that one scar on her cheek, having ridden off to battle in disguise XD She's...currently probably in Tirith. Or Edoras. I don't know, as she needs to either meet or have already met Elladan at some point. Maybe she helped save him in a battle or something, then runs into him again. I dunno XD

Lothi is in Tirith and will be running into Eomer sometime at the wedding if not before.

With the war and the restructuring among the remaining ranks and for his dedicated service to the Dol Amrothian knighthood and because those who would have been ahead of him are dead...Essam has been named Knight Commander, overseeing the operations of the knighthood. He makes regular courtesy appearances where required, leads the knights in battle beside Imrahil or stays behind to guard the city as required and has a lot of paperwork to do. Despite this, he still manages to find time to harass the new knight trainees and their new armsmaster. When you step onto knight training grounds, barracks, offices or what have you, you’re in Essam’s own little country. There are even a few signs!

Théoden will be making a spectacular return to life very very soon. I figure he'll be a tad bit annoyed at having to leave the halls of his fathers but...he wants to smooth things over with his family, etc. I may or may not bring his annoying spawn back depending on...well how things go with me and school. Naturally Snowmane will be with him.

Frodo is alive, a little freaky from events with the ring and Sauron and has some residual traumas, but he's gaining his strength back and spending a LOT of time working on the book. I imagine its more convenient to have him in Tirith though he does really want to go back to the Shire. Road Trip anyone?

Erchirion will be getting a total reset. He's a healer (particularly skilled at serving as a field medic though he does well in injury and illness situations too) and a scholar this go round. I imagine he'll be in Tirith for the wedding and then...I'm not too sure yet.

Hirgon died but will be returning and settling back into his life as an errand rider as soon as makes possible sense. He'll be in Tirith naturally.


Alagos the inventor, occasional orderly and resident brain trust of my lot can be moved wherever anyone would like him. I imagine he'd be helping with rebuilding efforts so sticking him in Tirith could quite possibly be for the best.

Aráto, recently promoted to Captain is...wherever his unit is assigned to go at any given time. He has pretty much no idea how he got promoted, he assumes its because so many people died that he was given the slot at all, though he IS actually good at what he does, he just doesn't see it that way. Whenever possible he prefers to be near Essam as he's learning the ropes of managing a company but is willing to go wherever and do whatever is necessary.

Karigan - Karigan is in a bad place. she is the last errand-rider in Gondor, and has been slowly trying to rebuild the errand-riders from nothing, but she is hindered by her bad mental state; she drinks a lot and struggles with issues of rage and anger, a lot of which is directed at Aragorn. she's known to have violent fits and attack people. she is resentful and lonely, all of her friends (and most of her horses) are dead.

Imrahil - Becoming the provincial leader during and after the war, Imrahil has skilfully held the provinces, particularly war-ravaged Belfalas, together by sheer force of personality. Dol Amroth has suffered heavily, and at great personal expense to Imrahil, whose health is poor following an extended battle in the rain. Somehow manages to stretch himself in every direction, uniting the widely divergent interests of survivors, using Aragorn's flag to try and salvage nationalism out of a completely fractured country. He has pneumonia-like coughs and breathing troubles, and takes laudanum to try and ease the complications.

Amrothos - Amrothos lost a lot of friends in the war. He almost lost his eye, and struggles to adapt to his self-image now that his former reputation as a handsome man has been destroyed by the large, prominent scar on the left side of his face. His ship was sunk, a final blow to his self-identity, and he spends a lot of time in refugee camps, particularly working with children, trying to reunite them with their families. He was promoted to a special position in the navy after his heroism in the battle of the bay, and the admirals have been forcing him to ask Imrahil for money to rebuild the fleet, one of Amrothos' least favorite things. He hates his new job and just wants to go back to killing corsairs, but until he procures the funds for a new ship to be built for him, well...

Pippin - Pippin has stayed with Frodo to help Gondorian farmers back on their feet, if he can. He has become very attached to Gondor in the aftermath of the siege and everything that happened, and feels somewhat responsible since Sauron only came to Minas Tirith thinking Pippin had the ring. He keeps his spirits up by trying to help as many people as he can.

Aergannel - If I don't drop her, Aergannel has become more important since the city fell, working with women leaders trying to rebuild the community in Dol Amroth. She has suffered deeply personal losses in the siege and lost some of her birth family. Her grief and depression in the aftermath of the death of her nieces has driven a wedge between her and Elphir. She feels isolated and lonely from the rest of the royal family because of this.

The Archivist - it is largely thanks to the Archivist anyone survived the siege at all. up until the very last minute, the doors of the archives were open, admitting evacuees who fled through the secret tunnels out of the city, among them Faramir. He, and the other archivists, then closed the doors and barricaded them. Perhaps a testament to good old-fashioned Numenorean architecture, the archive was largely ignored in the aftermath, and was not raided or ransacked or burned. Underarchivists say the reason the archives were spared because the Archivist can do ancient Numenorean magic... he denies it though.

Haleth - probably dropping.

Denethor - dead! he might be a ghost. People in his family or working in his former office can expect to see him... or more probably, hear him, making suggestions, or perhaps just offering feedback.

I may also be bringing new peoples. Elfhelm I'll probably NPC at will.

Please don't kill me! I'm back and will be able to play, at least until school starts again - but I'll keep you posted with my schedule.

Let's chat about Wyn/Mir sometime soon; I have some ideas as to how we might play their relationship with the new plot and all that. She'll be happier in the sense that I want her to be less angsty, less prone to fighting and shouting and throwing things, but still upset about what's happened recently. She's only starting to regain hope in the world, but it's an ongoing process. (The fact that she met Mir and has a thing for him too actually is helping it along. She thought she was doomed to be stalked by Wormtongue for the rest of her life.)

I'm thinking of temporarily waiting to bring Findy back, to see what's going on with plot stuffs, and may bring her back later. As it is now, it looks like my Melian may need to make a reappearance before Findy does.

And I think that's about it for me ... again, I'm terribly sorry about being gone for so long, but I only just found out about law school and I'm glad all that paperwork is (for now) over and done with.