Sunday, June 29th, 2008

'yeah, I brought this for a reason >.>'

Who: Elphir and Alagos
When: Current
Where: Dol Amroth, Elphir’s Office, A warehouse
What: Moar CSI fun. Elphir gets our would be scientist on the case as another murder victim is reported. disturbing imagery bits here.

You have an idea. Out with it. )
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Wednesday, June 25th, 2008

Who: Elphir and a guard captain
What: CSI: Dol Amroth
When: Shortly after the letter to his father.

The Lord Prince should not be kept in the dark, but these are...rather horrific. )
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Tuesday, June 24th, 2008

Who: Elphir & Lothi, then Elphir and Aergannel
What: Elphir App!
When: Pregame
Where: Dol Amroth!
Note: Two separate chats smushed together 'cause I'm lazy. They're in no particular order <3

Have you even seen Alphros lately? If you can't make time for me at least make time for him. He's growing up without you. )
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