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Feb. 16th, 2009


Rachel Dratch (53 icons)

Name: Rachel Dratch
Occupation: Actress/Comedian
Age: 42
Height: 5'
Notes: I don't know if anyone will use these but I thought she'd be a fun NPC - she has a witchy look about her.


...it's not always great, but it's this leftover childhood dream. )


Naomie Harris

Name: Naomie Harris
Occupation: Actress
Age: 32 (but could be used for 20s as well, with these icons)
Height: 5'8"
Notes: Many of these are from rips of a TV miniseries called "White Teeth." As you might expect, they're TV quality. That said, I like her look in it too much not to post these.

1 2 3

Did the whole of your life flash before your eyes... )

Feb. 15th, 2009


Lisa Hannigan (90 icons)

Name: Lisa Hannigan
Occupation: Musician (best known for contributing vocals to Damien Rice's work)
Age: 28
Notes: The quality on these isn't the greatest- as with many musician icons, I was limited to what I could get scouring the web.


If I walk your way, I will keep my head... we will feel our way through the dark... )

Jan. 28th, 2009


Name:Imogen Stubbs (as Viola/Cesario in Twelfth Night)
Occupation: Actress
Age: 47 (almost 48, but 35 in these icons)
Height: I'd say about average.


1. 2. 3.

Notes: Yay crossdressing! I have a gigantic soft spot for Twelfth Night as it's the first Shakespeare play I saw a live (albeit on TV) production of. This film is the fourth version I've seen, which means it's got the record for me. Anyway, back to the icons. She's got lovely facial expressions. Good if you have a Victorian-esque setting and want a crossdresser.

Fortune forbid my outside have not charm'd her! )

Dec. 13th, 2008


Catherine Anne Davies (29 icons)

Name: Catherine Anne Davies
Occupation: Musician
Age: 20s, I believe
Notes: An alternate Ginny for some of the Dicker users, I thought. There aren't many icons, however, as she's difficult to get pictures of. The quality on some is negotiable - as ever, people are welcome to alter these as desired.


The icons are here!

Dec. 6th, 2008


Marketa Irglova (131 icons)

Name: Marketa Irglova
Occupation: Musician, Actress
Age: 20 (though I think she could be used for slightly older or younger)
Height: 5'3"
Notes: I'm trying something new and externally linking icons to Photobucket. This will definitely increase the ability to post icons for me. As an aside, if anyone knows a better way to dump icons from Photobucket into a table, please let us know! (And without a ton of copy/paste.)

Also, these icons are all from Once.


Find the rest of the icons HERE.

{Photobucket shows icons as larger than they are - they are all 100 x 100.}

Aug. 9th, 2008


Alexis Dziena (21 icons)

Name: Alexis Dziena (as Bola on Witchblade)
Occupation: Actress
Age: 24 now, but late teens in these icons.
Height: 5'2"


1. 2. 3.

Notes: The obvious recommendation is a modern, tough Little Red Riding Hood ::grins::

That's not fair. Why should you have the preponderance of firepower? )

Aug. 5th, 2008


Jo Anderson 2 (70 icons)

Name: Jo Anderson (as Diana Bennett on the third season of Beauty and the Beast)
Occupation: Actress
Age: About 32 in these icons.
Height: 5'7"


1. 2. 3.

Notes: Second set. These and the others may be a little 80s-ish since the are from 1990.

click for icons )


Jo Anderson 1 (50 icons)

Name: Jo Anderson (as Diana Bennett on the third season of Beauty and the Beast)
Occupation: Actress
Age: About 32 in these icons.
Height: 5'7"


1. 2. 3.

Notes: I think she'd make a good Weasley. Her eyes are actually blue, but you can't tell it in most of these icons.

click for icons )


Kathryn Winslow (26 icons)

Name: Kathryn Winslow (as Vicky Po on Witchblade)
Occupation: Actress
Age: I'd guess 30s for these. I've yet to actually find a site with a birthday for her.
Height: Medium height.


1. 2. 3.

Notes: I think she'd be awesome for sciencey types.

Hey, big word. )

May. 10th, 2008


Emily Deschanel 2 (74 icons)

Name: Emily Deschanel (as Dr. Temperance Brennan on Bones)
Occupation: Actress
Age: 31
Height: 5'9"


1. 2. 3.

Notes: Second batch of Emily icons. Second largest of the Bones set - Michaela has her beat by only two icons.

Okay, I hurt you a little bit, but only because you ran. )


Emily Deschanel 1 (61 icons)

Name: Emily Deschanel (as Dr. Temperance Brennan on Bones)
Occupation: Actress
Age: 31
Height: 5'9"


1. 2. 3.

Notes: Another wonderfully expressive actress. Emily is gorgeous in a classical sort of way, and I absolutely adore Bones. These icons would be excellent for characters in the science/medical professions, or business.

Forensic anthropologist! That's why...no gun. )

Mar. 5th, 2008


Michaela Conlin 2 (69 icons)

Name: Michaela Conlin (as Angela Montenegro on Bones)
Occupation: Actress
Age: 29
Height: 5'8"


1. 2. 3.

Notes: More Michaela! She was the first person I started screencapping when I started this Bones set, and she has the second or first highest amount of caps made. Emily Deschanel may have her beat, but I can't remember.

You know what you people lack? Whimsy. It's a genuine handicap.  )


Michaela Conlin 1 (68 icons)

Name: Michaela Conlin (as Angela Montenegro on Bones)
Occupation: Actress
Age: 29
Height: 5'8"


1. 2. 3.

Notes: I adore her. She makes such great facial expressions. And for the curious, her mother is Chinese and her dad is Irish.

Can I, as the only normal person in this room, say...'eww'? )

Feb. 16th, 2008


Kathy Bates (12 icons)

Name: Kathy Bates
Occupation: Actor
Age: 59 (icons start in her 40s, however)
Height: 5'3"


Notes: A small batch. But I'd cheerfully do more if anyone was going to use her.

I try to always stretch myself to fit the characters that have been presented.  )

Jan. 19th, 2008


Ayla Nereo (15 icons)

Name: Ayla Nereo
Occupation: Musician, Beatbeat Whisper
Age: 20s?

1 2 3

Notes: Another obscure one. I'd love to do more icons but alas, these are all I could get.

If hummingbirds made music... )

Jan. 15th, 2008


Tamara Taylor 1 (32 icons)

Name: Tamara Taylor (as Dr. Camille Saroyan on Bones)
Occupation: Actress
Age: 37
Height: 5' 6 1/2'


1. 2. 3.

Notes: She's got an expressive face. I love it when people have expressive faces. They're easier to icon, somehow. Also, this is the first installment of a st of icons of the main actors of Bones. There will also be a set/sets of guest characters from the show.

You're chattering me to death because you hope I'll forget that you called me a wank-tard. )

Jan. 2nd, 2008


Katherine Moennig 3 (58 icons)

Name: Katherine Moennig (most as Shane McCutcheon)
Occupation: Actress
Age: 30
Height: 5'8"


1. 2. 3.

Notes: Can you tell that she's a favorite of mine? I've used her more often than anyone else I've ever PBed. Expect more of these later, I'd say.

Oh. Oh, OK. Well, you know, I don't know exactly what we're competing for, but, uh, you win. So. It was nice meeting you. )


Katherine Moennig 2 (51 icons)

Name: Katherine Moennig (most as Shane McCutcheon)
Occupation: Actress
Age: 30
Height: 5'8"


1. 2. 3.

Notes: There's another batch about to follow this one XD I did not feel like posting 161 icons all at one time, nor did I wish to make loading take very long. Anyway. Again, quality varies a little.

Liquor in the front. Poker in the rear. )


Katherine Moennig 1 (51 icons)

Name: Katherine Moennig (most as Shane McCutcheon)
Occupation: Actress
Age: 30
Height: 5'8"


1. 2. 3.

Notes: Woman is hot. Seriously. The quality varies a bit in this batch.

Well in that case, if she's hot... )

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