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August 5th, 2008

[info]riddleoflife in [info]unsungheroes

Anthony Cistaro (73 icons)

Name: Anthony Cistaro (as Kenneth Irons on Witchblade)
Occupation: Actor
Age: Currently 45, but these icons are from about six years ago.
Height: 6'3"


1. 2. 3.

Notes: I think he'd make an excellent receding hairline!Draco. Also good as a mob boss or general wealthy villain type.

Common sense has never been a reliable guide to understanding the universe. )

[info]riddleoflife in [info]unsungheroes

David Chokachi (50 icons)

Name: David Chokachi (as Detective Jake McCartey on Witchblade)
Occupation: Actor
Age: Currently 40, but these icons are from about six years ago.
Height: 5'11"


1. 2. 3.

Notes: Excellent for a Quidditch player or for Marvel Comic's Sam Guthrie (Cannonball).

Yeah, yeah. I know. She thinks she's 10 feet tall and bulletproof. )

[info]riddleoflife in [info]unsungheroes

Will Yun Lee (38 icons)

Name: Will Yun Lee (as Detective Danny Woo on Witchblade)
Occupation: Actor
Age: Currently 37, but these icons are from about six years ago.
Height: 5'9"


1. 2. 3.

Notes: I totally forgot he was in a James Bond movie until I checked his IMDB page XD

It's a lot more connected. Open those doors of perception, there's people knockin'. )

[info]riddleoflife in [info]unsungheroes

Kathryn Winslow (26 icons)

Name: Kathryn Winslow (as Vicky Po on Witchblade)
Occupation: Actress
Age: I'd guess 30s for these. I've yet to actually find a site with a birthday for her.
Height: Medium height.


1. 2. 3.

Notes: I think she'd be awesome for sciencey types.

Hey, big word. )

[info]riddleoflife in [info]unsungheroes

Jo Anderson 1 (50 icons)

Name: Jo Anderson (as Diana Bennett on the third season of Beauty and the Beast)
Occupation: Actress
Age: About 32 in these icons.
Height: 5'7"


1. 2. 3.

Notes: I think she'd make a good Weasley. Her eyes are actually blue, but you can't tell it in most of these icons.

click for icons )

[info]riddleoflife in [info]unsungheroes

Jo Anderson 2 (70 icons)

Name: Jo Anderson (as Diana Bennett on the third season of Beauty and the Beast)
Occupation: Actress
Age: About 32 in these icons.
Height: 5'7"


1. 2. 3.

Notes: Second set. These and the others may be a little 80s-ish since the are from 1990.

click for icons )