unoocsls - May 20th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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May 20th, 2009

[May. 20th, 2009|04:08 pm]
so this here is johnithan nathaniel edwards he's from new york city moved here with his sister for what reason i don't remember at the moment, he's in an indie band called TO CATCH A SPARROW, and will probably be frequenting the local bars and venues to play shows. he enjoys art too, but never pursued that as much as he did music. when he was 16 he dropped out of high school and moved in with his twin sister after she finished college, before they moved to chicago--to get away from their parents, i remember now ssh. he definitely doesn't know vampires exist and will be the xander to [info]felicityluca's buffy so the rest of our scooby gang would be swelltastic. i am trying to get his twin sister and another character of hers into the game and all that hooray blah blah. lines? johnny is also bipolar, into drugs, and sleeps around a lot so yeah.. anyway lines. :)
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