unoocsls - May 19th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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May 19th, 2009

[May. 19th, 2009|12:38 pm]
Working on his bio stillBio is done, though could use a few more fillers via lines. Arashi is a human, and basically a junkie for donating his blood because he loves the feeling for a good cause. Storylines needed are in his journal already, and will help with his bio ^^

Comment or poke me @ ryuutendo ds for ideas.
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[May. 19th, 2009|01:00 pm]
Well, this is Corinne and she's pretty much an open canvas right now. She's a vampire though and if anyone needs any lines filled then it's no problem. ♥ Her bio is here. However this one storyline would be helpful too.
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[May. 19th, 2009|01:26 pm]
[music |SuG]

Mew! This is Kaoru, I'm still working on his bio, but it should be done by tonight FINISHED! He is a very willing donor, but he has a specific reason for this, not simply because he likes it (although that is a part of it) -- ever since he was a small child, a vampire has been dream sliding into his dreams as a shadow figure, and once Kaoru was old enough, he began searching for answers and has been trying to find this mysterious vampire that he has... well, kind of fallen in love with.

Storylines are here. He's very friendly and colorful, loving friendly conversation and meeting new people!

Feel free to IM me anytime, I'm online a lot =3

EDIT; I've added a couple more sl ideas to the list.

aim; kaoru nyappy
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[May. 19th, 2009|06:30 pm]


okay, so this is Seth. He was born in 1893, sired in 1917 making his body 116 years old, and him a 92 year old vampire. his body is frozen in the state of a 24 year olds body, not that it matters much since he's obviously strong as a vampire.

he isn't a hunger crazed monster, when he had realized what he had became he went on a blood crazed new born for a few years, and since it happened during the great war he never had a shortage of food. as his senses and matured and he learned to control himself, he loathed what he was, but it wasn't until he almost fed on a child that he tried to starve himself.

forward to present day, the scent on human blood doesnt burn him the way it once did a long time ago, and he pushes himself to go without feeding for as long as possible. he prefers to be alone, to avoid people discovering what he is. he feeds on the blood of animals, and hasn't tasted human blood for over 70 years. he has a butcher for a dealer, because he tries to hunt as little as possible, it tends to make him aggressive.

soo now i need some lines...
he already has a girl who lives in the same building as him whose blood is the sweetest scent to him, yet he tries to do whatever he can to avoid her until she catches him when he's weak from starving himself.
aim is seth relaxes if you want to ask on there..
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