Dec. 25th, 2008


FIC: Be Still My Broken Heart, TNA, Alex S/Kevin N, FRM

Title: Be Still My Broken Heart
Author: Charlanka (ka)
Rating: FRM
Pairing: Alex Shelly/Kevin Nash, Kevin/Belle, past Alex/Belle
Summary: He opened the door the rest of the way, leisurely stretching again, popping the joints in his spine back into place. It'd be rude of him not to lend a hand. No rest for the wicked then.
Warning: Slash, het, Angst, infidelity.
Author Notes: This fic is the result of a series bunny, a realization, and three revisements. The third revisement is what you're about to read and I hope y'all enjoy it. Thank you to Pandy, who I think I converted to Wrestledom during her last minute betaing. XD I have nothing against Alex's real girlfriend, whatever her name is, but my bunny didn't want anyone else. I actually wish she and Alex a happy, long, and prosperous relationship together. There will be a sequel (nearly finished). :D
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue, ain't got the money to pay you.

Happy Holidays!