December 25th, 2008

[info]tayumia in [info]universalslash

Mod Post: Seasons Greetings!

Hello and Happy Holidays everyone, for whatever Holiday you celebrate! ^.^

As I'm a bit more organized now, I'll try to stay active in this community and with my own IJ. I've started by finally adding the icon my sister made for the community and tagging the entries. I'll also be posting later.

And for my fellow Christmas celebrators, I hope it's going well so far! :D

[info]tayumia in [info]universalslash

FIC: Be Still My Broken Heart, TNA, Alex S/Kevin N, FRM

Title: Be Still My Broken Heart
Author: Charlanka (ka)
Rating: FRM
Pairing: Alex Shelly/Kevin Nash, Kevin/Belle, past Alex/Belle
Summary: He opened the door the rest of the way, leisurely stretching again, popping the joints in his spine back into place. It'd be rude of him not to lend a hand. No rest for the wicked then.
Warning: Slash, het, Angst, infidelity.
Author Notes: This fic is the result of a series bunny, a realization, and three revisements. The third revisement is what you're about to read and I hope y'all enjoy it. Thank you to Pandy, who I think I converted to Wrestledom during her last minute betaing. XD I have nothing against Alex's real girlfriend, whatever her name is, but my bunny didn't want anyone else. I actually wish she and Alex a happy, long, and prosperous relationship together. There will be a sequel (nearly finished). :D
Disclaimer: Don't own, don't sue, ain't got the money to pay you.

Happy Holidays!