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Future Unexpected

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[Jul. 27th, 2008|11:37 pm]
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Who: Roger and Asteria
When: Sunday Afternoon
Where: Their Home
What: Saying Thank You
Rating: TBA.
Status: Closed / In Progress

Well I know that I have only ever held your hand, but just one touch is more than enough to understand )
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[Jul. 27th, 2008|04:20 pm]
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Left for Asteria on their bedside table before he left for Quidditch practice this morning )
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[Jul. 24th, 2008|08:29 pm]
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Sent to Asteria's Office )
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[Jul. 9th, 2008|10:22 pm]
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WHO: Roger and Asteria
WHEN: Backdated to Monday
WHERE: Roger's Home
WHAT: Moving In
RATING: prolly light
STATUS: Closed / In Progress

well...here begins a new chapter )
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[Jul. 6th, 2008|10:11 am]
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WHO: Asteria Davies, Roger Davies, Friends and Family.
WHEN: Sunday June 22nd, 2002
WHERE: Greengrass family home
WHAT: The Wedding
RATING: E for Everyone
STATUS: Open // In Progress

It's my honour to present to you Mr and Mrs. Roger Davies )
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[Jul. 3rd, 2008|10:20 pm]
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Who: Angelina Johnson, Open to Oliver Wood, Roger Davies/ anyone else who would be at the pub drinking away their troubles.
What: Drinking, pretending life isn't happening?
Where: Devils Lair
When: Wednesday June 19th, night time
Rating: E?
Status: Open/In Progress

To alcohol, and then nights you'll never remember )
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[Jun. 29th, 2008|11:58 pm]
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W H O: Asteria Greengrass & Roger Davies
W H E N: Monday, June 16th, 2002
W H E R E: Rousillon, London, England.
W H A T: 2nd date Meeting
R A T I N G: E for Everyone.
S T A T U S: Closed / Complete

you'd think you would be less nervous at the second meeting )
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[Jun. 24th, 2008|04:24 pm]
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W H O: Asteria Greengrass and Roger Davies.
W H E N: June 10th, 2002 - 7:30pm.
W H E R E: Small Cafe around the corner from his home.
W H A T: The frighteningly scary first meeting.
R A T I N G: E for everyone!!
S T A T U S: Thread // Complete

what exactly does casual mean for those who don't have their clothes specially ordered? )
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