Future Unexpected [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Future Unexpected

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[Jul. 24th, 2008|12:35 am]

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[music |Take a chance on me - ABBA]

Who: Emma Dobbs and George Weasley
When: Backdated to Sunday the Sixth, late afternoon
Where: WWW
What: KNOTS! Lots and LOTS of knots They meet and greet!
Rating: PG, I think.
Status: Closed/ In Progress

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[Jul. 13th, 2008|09:14 pm]
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[music |Got What You Wanted--Hanson]

Who: Saoirse and anyone!
What: Making friends!/Celebrating a break-up
When: June 28, 2002; Saoirse's night before her day off
Where: O'Malley's, London
Rating: PG-13 to start, because she's got a mouth on her
Status: Open/In Progress

You got what you wanted, so get off of my back! )
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