Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game - June 24th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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June 24th, 2010

[Jun. 24th, 2010|01:25 am]
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fingers itchy for triggers, but not the drums of war. want to be brynhildr. want to line myself with stones to be strong for my willow. been practicing shuangdao. will be ready.
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Locked against his dad [Jun. 24th, 2010|05:17 am]



So... I have a birthday in a couple weeks. Knowing my father, he probably has this real big party bash planned for me. Trust me, I know, when he celebrates something he tends to really go big with it. Not that I mind. So. Anyone that knows me from the future, you wanna come to it? You're invited. Though the invites will be sent out maybe next week anyway.

I'm curious about how many friends from school are actually back in this past era though. About to get bored here in a minute, so maybe a good joke or something is in order. Maybe a little innocent prank? Those are always... fun. Hehe.
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[Jun. 24th, 2010|02:20 pm]
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After some exploration, I have learned this much: I am in a city named London. Somehow, I had come to be in possession of another person's belongings before arriving here, though I have no memory of being given them. It took some time to find the address on the cards, but I did, and found that the keys worked in the door, and no one was there.

Having nowhere else to go, I decided to remain here and do my best to learn about this world from the evidence of whomever's life I have inherited. I do not think they will mind. I do not think they will return. I only hope that wherever they have been taken, they do not have reason to miss it much.

This world, after all, is not so unlike my own as to be totally unrecognizable. Our technology is not so advanced as this. But our people... we are not the same at all, although we are the same. I must learn the right words, and how to recognize... "man" and "woman"...

Are there many here, who have fallen out of other worlds?
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