Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game - February 25th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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February 25th, 2009

[Feb. 25th, 2009|12:05 am]
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I'm not entirely mad on being whipped up in some storm or what not, but I do think I'm fond of where I ended up. I've not been in town for some time, and it seems to have jumped along in life without me!
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[Feb. 25th, 2009|10:08 am]



Alright. So I've gone and done my confession, got my ashes, all that fun stuff.

Time to announce my yearly sacrifice. I think this year I'll try to give up flirting with people who aren't my husband.

God help me. But then again, that's the point, isn't it?
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[Feb. 25th, 2009|01:08 pm]
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Oh no.
Ohhhhhh shit.

I'm going to be gone for a couple days. Mr. Ofdensen, are you good with that? (Not that anyone really has a choice in the matter.)

Pelekai, if anything fucked up happens, just... uh. Nevermind. Nothing should happen to you.
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[Feb. 25th, 2009|01:08 pm]


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Locked to Henry Fitzroy )

Locked to deities )
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[Feb. 25th, 2009|01:57 pm]


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March is coming... to bacchanal or not to bacchanal? That is the question.
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[Feb. 25th, 2009|09:12 pm]

Hey hey Merv!
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[Feb. 25th, 2009|09:19 pm]
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What devilry is this? I was dying, I shouldn't be here...

I doubt my sisters have had the good fortune to be brought with me. Pity.
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[Feb. 25th, 2009|09:33 pm]
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Will, let's go to Italy. Take Evangelline and go.
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[Feb. 25th, 2009|09:34 pm]
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Danny, I think it's time.
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[Feb. 25th, 2009|09:40 pm]
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I do so enjoy Maslenitsa. So what if I celebrate a few days longer? When in Rome- or, I should say, New Orleans.

Rurik, where have you gone off to?
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[Feb. 25th, 2009|11:29 pm]
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I think I'm a little lost.
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