Private Enough emo. Enough wallowing. And no more hiding.
Now the question is... should I be Catgirl or something else?
Bats Just in case anyone needs a copy or wants to see...
[copy of the police report filed about the Joker's breakout]
Who's crossing their fingers that he's just going to disappear soon?
Jason So how much longer until you're all healed up again?
Cass How are you feeling?
Also, have I told you how fucking retarded you were to get yourself hurt in the first place? Because even if I have before, I think it's worth repeating a few more times.
Also, when you're feeling well enough I have a serious question for you.
Selina How's tricks?
Kimber Hey babycakes. I think you need to be careful. Joker's loose. He knows who we are. It wouldn't take much for him to connect our names and I don't want anything happening to you.