May 2011

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May 6th, 2011

[info]butiwaswrong in [info]twd_ooc

Apologies if you see this more than once.

Misha here. I've been on hiatus for the better part of the week. I found out some bad news, the kind that throws a person for a loop. I've been out of sorts, depressed, questioning my life and my life purpose and all that good stuff. I have not been RPing, so...

I have deleted everything, and I'm starting from scratch. If there's something that's been dropped that you'd like to continue, please please PLEASE don't hesitate to ping me. I would look at my inbox and feel so overwhelmed, on top of everything else going on in my life. I've been under a bit of stress, and this week's news just sort of put me into a downward spiral.

I'm planning a triumphant return to play tonight/this weekend. My boys will be making new posts and replying to current posts that are out there. I will gladly pick up any threads and conversations I have dropped, but only if you poke me to do so, because there were a gazillion notifications in my inbox. Every one of them is important to me, but I was seriously overwhelmed. So please don't take it personally, and please poke me for anything you'd like to continue!

Or hit me up for new scene ideas! Much love,
Misha and the boys