Apr. 16th, 2011


School Closing - Community-Wide Event

Who: Everyone
What: Zombified animals want into a public middle school... why?
Where: P.S. 118, Queens
When: April 16th; Afternoon
Rating: R - Violence Inevitable, plus what lies on the inside... the horrifying reality of living in a post-apocalyptic setting.

Apr. 9th, 2011


who: Sherry Birkin (open)
Where: Mortuary in Brooklyn somewhere
When: Early noonish

Just out for a stroll )

Mar. 30th, 2011


Event, Part 1 - And on the first day...

Who: Albert Wesker, Rain Ocampo, Alice Abernathy... possibly Jill Valentine?
Where: New York Department of Energy, Downtown Manhattan
When: March 30th; early evening
What: "Let there be light."
Note: This thread is the first part of a series of threads discussed in this plot post.

Mar. 21st, 2011


Mini-Event: The Pfizer-Umbrella Merger

Who: Albert Wesker and... YOU.
Where: The Pfizer Building, Brooklyn
When: March 21st
What: The last three days, in retrospect.
Disclaimer: This thread was made with permission from Nij.

Need to feel the sickness in you... )

Mar. 18th, 2011


And I run for freedom

Who: Jill Valentine & OPEN
Where: Somewhere in Manhattan
When: March 17th
What: She's was absurdly dropped in NYC and is just getting used to her surroundings.

You were almost a Jill Sandwhich )