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[24 Sep 2010|03:17am]
Coop : "I'm keeping the kiss."
Jackie : "If you tell Eddie I'll have to kill you."
Coop : "How stupid do you think I am? ...Don't answer that."
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[24 Sep 2010|03:44am]
Zoey: "You know when I wake up the first thing I think is 'I hope I don't kill anyone today.'."
Thor: "It's good to have goals."
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favorite TV boyfriend, I missed you. [24 Sep 2010|04:53am]
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Uh, no one. 'Cause you're so ugly, no one would come to your door.
Hah hah.
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God, I've missed this show. [24 Sep 2010|08:15am]
Do what you want, I'm not touching another man's honey tree.
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[ viewing | September 24th, 2010 ]
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