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[28 Feb 2010|05:53pm]
"Once, long ago, I was training a slave who endeavored most stubbornly, not to behave. So I cut off a finger or two with a knife and threatened to murder his child and his wife. Then I stripped him down naked and strapped to a horse, and dragged him through miles of bramble and gorse. Poured salt in his wounds and rolled him in rubble, that was the last time he gave any trouble."
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[28 Feb 2010|10:46pm]
molly: okay, i know i'm a disaster but you have to listen to me because that was the bet.
shane: make it fast.
molly: i don't know if i'm gay, i don't know if i'm straight but i know that i wanna be with you.
shane: we had terrible sex!
molly: no! it was great FOR ME. you don't just get on a bike and know how to ride it, same with riding a girl. so i freaked out, big deal! you've just been with so many girls, you don't remember your first time. WELL, GUESS WHAT? IT WAS MY FIRST TIME. and it was great! it was better than with richard, and with guys, and with ANYBODY AND I'M REALLY INTO YOU AND I SWEAR NEXT TIME I WILL SO GO DOWN ON YOU!
shane: molly, molly—you're making a scene, please. seriously, why do you want to be with me? think about it because you've been using me to get back at your mother the whole time.
molly: i haven't. i haven't been using you. i've never flown to the pacific northwest to chase a girl i barely know. and i'm here and i'm really crazy about you, and i need you to give me another chance even if i'm AWFUL in bed! i know that i'm still gay 101 but i'm a really fast learner and before you know it, i'm going to be advanced placement gay, and then graduate level gay, and FUCK LAW SCHOOL, I'LL GET MY DOCTORATE IN FUCKING GAY!
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