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[29 Jul 2009|08:24am]

Well, yeah, you could, you could do that, course you could, but why? Look at these people, these human beings, consider their potential. From the day they arrive on this planet and blinking, step into the sun, there is more to see than can ever be seen, more to do... no, hold on... sorry, that's the Lion King... but the point still stands! Leave them alone!

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new favorite show. [29 Jul 2009|02:28pm]

GIRL 1: Good morning, we're having banana pancakes for breakfast today.
GIRL 2: I like pancakes.
VICTOR: We're all gonna die.

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oh. my. god. [29 Jul 2009|02:44pm]
Hi, I'm here to save you.
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in honor of the reunion! sans screech. [29 Jul 2009|06:00pm]
Mr. Belding: Screech, you can't elope.
Screech: Who're you calling a cantaloupe, you melon head?
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[29 Jul 2009|06:24pm]
"Yeah, Mr. White! Yeah, science!"
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[29 Jul 2009|06:32pm]
oh my dear Doctor, you have been naïve.
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[ viewing | July 29th, 2009 ]
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