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[14 May 2009|01:30pm]
i loved you so much, that when i got to come back for you, i thought- youre my heaven. but maybe... maybe im your hell.
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[14 May 2009|02:26pm]
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[14 May 2009|04:51pm]
"It's Sunday morning. Shouldn't you be slinking home from a scandalous liaison?"
"Would you be jealous if I were?"
"In your dreams."
"Actually, in my dreams, you're never jealous. In my dreams, you just join in."
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rip scrubs. looooooooove you. [14 May 2009|05:12pm]
I just want to say something before we kiss, okay? And thanks for coming even though I didn't want you here. I know that I'm weird, but you know, you'd be weird too if your mother aged backwards like mine did. So the thing is, I always kind of figured I'd end up alone. And then you came along. And you don't just accept my quirks and my crazy stories and my lies about my mom, you actually appreciate me for them. And I don't think I'll ever stop appreciating you for them, but I know I'll never stop loving you for that.
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D: [14 May 2009|05:34pm]
- Don't you leave me!
- I love you James. I love you so much.
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[14 May 2009|10:22pm]
"Reach for your 'I was raised out back with the trash can roots' and beat the crap out of him"
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[ viewing | May 14th, 2009 ]
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