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oh my gooooddddd. [17 Apr 2009|12:38am]
"You're disobeying orders for me? ....You're committing treason, Sarah. You could go to jail."
"I know."
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[17 Apr 2009|06:36pm]

SILVER: I'll have a sparkling water. Trying to avoid the hard stuff 'til I go back over the pond.
NAOMI: What was that?
SILVER: English accents always make me sound older!
NAOMI: In what world?
SILVER: I can't stop now!
NAOMI: Okay, well less is more.
SILVER: Got it, mate.
NAOMI: Seriously.
SILVER: Cheerio!

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[17 Apr 2009|11:56pm]
"I'm Chuck Bass! Who cares?" "I do.
Don't you understand? I'll always
be here. I don't want you going
anywhere. I couldn't bear it. So
whatever you want to do to yourself,
please don't do that to me. Please."
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[ viewing | April 17th, 2009 ]
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