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[12 Mar 2009|12:06am]
"Usually you wear clothes from the seventies."
"They're not from the seventies; they're from New Zealand."
"Uh... isn't that the same thing?"
"... similar, I suppose."
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[12 Mar 2009|07:17pm]
Booth: What? She rawred me first.

Brennan: That doesn't mean you have to rawr her back!


I think it shows a basic lack of humanity, pushing a monkey.
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IT'S BACK! [12 Mar 2009|09:23pm]
Dean: Am I making you uncomfortable?
Sam: Get out of me.
Dean: You're such a prude.
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[12 Mar 2009|10:18pm]
Why do you keep a diary?
- To keep secrets from my computer.
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[12 Mar 2009|10:34pm]
Andy: You put your heart out there like that? It's liable to just turn into this blackened, carbon brick with barbecue sauce of shame and rage, and two hot people with a perfect relationship would NOT understand that!
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[ viewing | March 12th, 2009 ]
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