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it is my firm belief that there has never been a better episode of any show ever. [17 Feb 2009|12:52pm]
``yes, yes, i'm here! i'm still here, can you hear me?``
``yeah, yeah, that's better.``
``i love you, penny. i've always loved you. i'm so sorry. i love you!``
``i love you too.``
``i don't know where i am, but...``
``i'll find you, des.``
``i promise-``
``- no matter what...``
``i'll come back to you.``
``i won't give up.``
``i promise! i love you!``
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[17 Feb 2009|10:36pm]
"Charles Carmichael always comes quickly."
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[17 Feb 2009|11:35pm]
I will write a letter to your mama if I want to.
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[ viewing | February 17th, 2009 ]
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