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[29 Jan 2009|08:18pm]
"You are a thief of joy."
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[29 Jan 2009|10:05pm]
Jim: Oh, my God. Dwight, what are you doing?
Dwight: What?
Jim: You're not allowed to take off your pants in the middle of the office.
Dwight: I'm not ...
Jim: Dwight, you know what? Just back off. Okay, that's making me uncomfortable. This is sexual harassment, by the way.
Jim: Oh, my God. He's got a knife!
Dwight: I do not have a knife!
Jim: No, let the record show that Dwight K. Shrute is now completely nude and is holding a plastic knife to Stanley's neck.
Dwight: Let the record show that Jim Halpert is a liar!
Jim: Dwight Schrute is now wearing a baby's bonnet.
Dwight: I am not!
Phyllis: Oh, Jim Carrey just walked in, Dwight. Get his autograph for Michael, quickly.
Dwight: Jim Carrey did not just walk in, okay?
Karen: Dwight, what is that on your stomach? Is that a Muppet Babies tattoo?
Jim: Oh my God, Karen, you're right. That is Animal from the Muppet Babies.
Dwight: You can't see my stomach—
Andy: I am now chopping off Phyllis's head with a chainsaw! Vring-ing-ing-inging.
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