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[13 Jan 2009|02:48pm]
Robin: You know how romantic he is. He can't separate the physical from the emotional. He's all like...
Barney: I love you.
Robin: Exactly. He's not like you, you know? Beside we're friends, I don't want to screw that up by getting involved. Dating friends never works out.
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[13 Jan 2009|06:44pm]
Seth: It's kinda hard to apologize if I don't know what it is I'm apologizing for.
Summer: Well, it's kinda hard to forgive you if you don't know what you're supposed to be apologizing for.
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oh scrubs. i love you so much. [13 Jan 2009|08:57pm]
- It was not an STD, it was a urinary tract infection and I got it from you by having sex with you in a pond!

- Yeah you did.
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