April 17th, 2011

[info]iamthayer in [info]tvdthereturnooc


I want to say hello to everyone and give a slight out of character introduction for my boy here, Thayer Hart. He's a vampire hunter of sorts; coming from a long line of highly trained ones that stemmed from an attack long ago on his ancestors by a coven of vampires that killed every one save for a single boy. The vengeance runs thick in his blood since it's all he's ever been taught. Thayer has no psychic or supernatural abilities to speak of so he can't sense vampires. However, he has a keen eye for certain details that usually gives the younger ones away. Older vamps slip under his radar easily I would say.

I am open to playing any sort of line with anyone. I love the unexpected and unusual the most so if you have any ideas just shoot them my way here. And I prefer to play via threads or gDocs. Thanks and I look forward to playing!