April 12th, 2011

[info]tvdthereturnmod in [info]tvdthereturnooc

Hi everyone!

I got an interesting question today regarding whether or not Slayers can be male. Now, I suspect that this is regarding a character idea that a possible player (or anonymous current player) would like to do in the game, but I feel that this is a decision that everyone should be a part of, not to just me.

So, would you all allow a male Slayer to be created or no? Sound off! :P

[info]justdiego in [info]tvdthereturnooc


I'd just like to say a quick thank you for having me in your community! I actually prefer doing in-character introductions, so my boy Diego will be posting one to his journal but I wanted to slip a note here too since it seems to be the norm.

Anyway, he's readily available for scenes and I look forward to writing with everyone here!