April 7th, 2011

[info]tvdthereturnmod in [info]tvdthereturnooc

It's All About Location, Location, Location!

For those characters that own or run a business, please leave a comment with a one to three sentence description so that I can add it to the location entry of the directory.

Character Introductions
I know a lot of us have made a bunch of new characters so this is just a gentle reminder to make sure you're introducing them here in the OOC comm. In addition to this, starting on April 15th I'd like to see journal updates (IC journal entries), which will contribute toward your monthly activity check. What I'd like to eventually see is character interaction via the journals as an alternative to sceneing if players are looking for other outlets to do something IC. Essentially, my goal is to keep the game running a good solid three months instead of the sporadic playing we've doing previously. XD

[info]tvdthereturnmod in [info]tvdthereturnooc

ACTIVE. This means a player has stayed active in the community by posting scenes in the comm or updating one or more character journals.
INACTIVE. Anyone who has not made a post, or is on hiatus, by April 14th will be given a gentle reminder to update.
NEW MEMBER. If you're new this month, don't worry too much about updating. We'll let you get settled in first before we start beating you with sticks. ;P
HIATUS. Player is temporarily unavailable to play.
The next activity check is May 1st.

Obviously, this activity check is not a true activity check. This month, the check (which started on April 1st) is just to give everyone a feel for what the expectations are and ask questions. The next official activity check will begin on the date stated directly above.