The Tung Xiao Pass

or: an excuse to use a mulan theme throughout (sort of)

January 10th, 2008

marlee matlin @ 08:50 pm


42 icons of Marlee Matlin from season 4 of The L Word, screencaps by yours truly. I apologize for the varying quality of these icons. Most of these I made before I figured out how to make decent icons in a way that works for me. I tried to salvage as many as I could, but some I couldn't do anything for. ): Also, I had more, but GJ ate them, and I didn't have them backed up. ): Once season 5 starts airing, I'll snag the eps and watch/cap her scenes, because I really only watch for her. XD And mayyybe I'll find some What the Bleep!? caps, too.


marlee matlin )

The Tung Xiao Pass

or: an excuse to use a mulan theme throughout (sort of)