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→ modly post. [Jul. 10th, 2011 | 02:34 pm]

Hi folks!

Someone asked the question about game time last night in regards to which 'Torchwood' is in charge of things. With that said, I figured I'd write up a little OOC post about it before I edit the FAQ with it.

We are operating on REAL TIME. Meaning, in game time is currently July 10 2011.

What does this mean for characters from past and future canon points? It means that since the Rift is spreading out, time is overlapping. For example, past canon dates are suddenly finding themselves moving forward to current day while future canon dates are moving backwards to line up with present day.

As far as which 'Torchwood' is in charge, since current canon Jack & Gwen's 'Torchwood' was destroyed, this leaves 2008 'Torchwood' being the one in charge for all questions and concerns about the Rift and why people are suddenly in Cardiff -- if you choose to stick your character there. 2008 'Torchwood' consists of [info]harknessjack & [info]iantojones for all your IN-CHARACTER questions.

As previously stated in the FAQ, your character DOES NOT have to be centered in Cardiff. This is just a basic base of operations for the timey wimey. With that said!

And and all other comments and concerns should be left over in the dropbox.
Link1 | CMNT

Introductions! [Jul. 7th, 2011 | 05:22 pm]
Well since people are popping in, I figured I'd do an introduction. I'm Rin. I've gone by other things before, but this is my current ~alias. So don't be confused if you knew me by something else. It's mostly just for a change.

Right now I'm playing Ianto only, but I'm totally open to other characters, so don't hesitate to ask, especially since we're having fun and just messing around. I'd like to try other voices. You can reach me at my AIM screen-name most of the time, but I've locked it to only people on my buddy list because of spam, so if you're not already on there send me a PM or hit up my contact post first.

Looking forward to playing with everyone!
Link16 | CMNT

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