Traverse Town OOC - August 4th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Traverse Town OOC

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August 4th, 2010

Small reminder [Aug. 4th, 2010|11:36 am]
The event started today. This is a reminder that Traverse Town and Twilight Town are now covered with a swampy jungle and a forest respectively. This event runs two weeks, during this time you cannot make posts assuming either place is un-forested.

As stated before, if you do not wish your character to be caught up in the forest, they have been teleported to another town of your choice and will be teleported back upon the ending of the event.

Consequences for not following instructions under the cut. )

As a moderator and player, I wish for everyone to have fun and enjoy themselves. If there are any questions or issues, please contact me right away. Comments to this post are screened.
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