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Traverse Town OOC

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[Sep. 11th, 2010|09:42 pm]

[Current Location |somewhere across time]
[Current Mood |blah]
[Current Music |watching: Aladdin]

I am sorry guys but I need to depart from the rpg. Things in real life have forced me to place role playing on hold for the time being. I hope later on I will be able to come back.
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[Sep. 7th, 2010|03:00 pm]
[Current Mood |blank]

I'm dropping all my characters and leaving the rp. I just don't feel it anymore, and I have these rp cycles anyway so maybe in six months I'll want to do it again, but right now I'm just. Bored with it.

That means
and this one are out.

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[Aug. 24th, 2010|06:56 am]

Ok so I'm beyond miserable and won't be posting for a while. Mostly because I know it will affect my posts. So consider this me saying im on hiatus with my chars until I can work a few things out.
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Event ending notice!! [Aug. 18th, 2010|09:53 pm]
As of an hour ago, the Summer of Bugs event (yes the mosquitoes and the swamps and stuff) is now over. You're now allowed to return to your regular posting!

Also, you are still welcome to have mosquitoes used in your posts, just not in mass. And you are also welcome to refer to your character having had strange experiences either getting teleported to other towns without warning or being stuck in/outdoors or walking through a swamp and/or forest. I count this as event participation personally.

But yes, the towns are back to normal, characters are back to where they were left. The building damage done (ie Link blowing a hole in the apartment building or Germany smashing in windows) is still there. You're welcome to complain about it being there. Or just be practical and call the repair man.

Anyways, I prattle. This post also serves as an event review post. Please comment remarking things you liked/disliked about the event. I will use this feedback to give you better and more fun events in the future so I highly recommend taking advantage of this post.
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Event Suggestion Post! [Aug. 13th, 2010|08:03 am]

I know I'm not around all the time, but you are welcome to post event suggestions here in this post. You can still post event suggestions to the [info]ttoc proper or tell me about your idea on IM, but it will be a bit easier for me if you posted them here so I could keep track of them. I will look and comment to everything posted here within three days.

I am leaving comments unscreened so that people can piggy back or add onto other ideas here. Given that I am doing that, I will remind you this is a brainstorming post and you are not allowed to knock someone else's idea.

There are some events I might outright say no to (i.e. something highly inappropriate like a gang bang event) or some I would say cannot be put on because of timing (i.e. the memory loss event we had earlier, that was badly timed considering the age of the RP; we could actually do that one now) or some I won't put on due to sheer complexity for either players or for me (i.e. an event where there are 20 different important instructions the player must follow and the event mod has to run NPCs and chats). Even if I say no to your event, I will be constructive about it and offer alternatives or alterations to your original idea to make it more friendly to putting it on.

I would also like to remind you that events should have an 'opt out' option. Not everyone will like or enjoy the event as we are all vastly different people from vastly different backgrounds, so people need an opportunity to opt out of it (or at least have an opportunity to have some of their characters opt out if you are someone with a lot of them). That's the only thing I ask you to keep in mind. Other than that, be creative and have fun!
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Traverse Town Chat [Aug. 10th, 2010|06:43 pm]
Hi everyone, Ayla-mun here. I have a question that I've been wondering about for a pretty long time, and I figured this would be a good place to ask. Are we ever going to have an AIM chatroom again with our characters? I remember doing it once for fun, and when we had the giant ball organized by Konata. I think it would be cool if we could start doing it again, and since it seems like there's a lot more people on the RP, it might be even more fun than before!

Yay, nay, or otherwise?
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Vacation [Aug. 10th, 2010|10:35 am]

I am leaving in one hour to go visit Austria mun. I will not be online until thursday sometime at the earliest. Maybe Friday depending on what we're doing. Here's hoping the rain stops for a while.
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[Aug. 7th, 2010|09:49 pm]
It's me again, I've been back and i'm gonna respond and take place in the event with at least Nitori (I mean, she -is- a kappa... The swampy nature of everything will make her feel right at home~!)
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Small reminder [Aug. 4th, 2010|11:36 am]
The event started today. This is a reminder that Traverse Town and Twilight Town are now covered with a swampy jungle and a forest respectively. This event runs two weeks, during this time you cannot make posts assuming either place is un-forested.

As stated before, if you do not wish your character to be caught up in the forest, they have been teleported to another town of your choice and will be teleported back upon the ending of the event.

Consequences for not following instructions under the cut. )

As a moderator and player, I wish for everyone to have fun and enjoy themselves. If there are any questions or issues, please contact me right away. Comments to this post are screened.
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[Aug. 2nd, 2010|02:16 am]

Just a small note: If anyone wants to Im me at Isamerryjubey feel free. For any reason. I always have an away message up at all times. The only time I am gone is if it says something about sleeping, bathing, not being home, or if it says I'm in a bad mood. asides from that I am online and doing things. Feel free to im me for any reason.
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[Jul. 31st, 2010|10:38 pm]
[Current Mood |annoyed]

Read more... )
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EVENT START!!! -Sign up post~ [Jul. 31st, 2010|11:59 am]

EDIT: Upon urging from my co-mod [info]amazingme, I have been requested to open up this event early for those who wish start participating right away. You can still make normal, unaffected Traverse Town and Twilight Town posts until the event officially starts on Wednesday, but you cannot make normal posts while the event is running. Doing so will result in me taking moderator action, and I don't think anyone wants that (especially me).

Due to all the positive feedback from my proposal event post, it has been decided that the event will be officially turning on and starting!!! This is the sign up post.

Our Summer of Bugs Event will start this upcoming Wednesday, August 4th at 9 am EST. It well end Wednesday August 18th (two weeks later) at midnight EST. Posts started before the ending time are still allowed to carry and be completed.

You're welcome to sign up after the event starts too. However, if you do sign up it is highly encouraged that you make posts during the event or at least after the event explaining that your character had a behavior change because of the event.

Now, here's the event in detail:

Overnight a swampy jungle grew all over Traverse Town. The swamp is such that all windows and doors that were left open have been shut and sealed shut by vines and trees and whatnot. While it is still possible to get outside/inside buildings it is now extremely difficult and requires breaking property (ie glass on the windows or blowing up doors) to get through. All broken property will remain broken after the event is over.

Outside in the swamp covered town are mosquitoes in mass. While they might not be interested in your character's blood, they are certainly buzzing around loudly. Indoors the mosquitoes aren't small and annoying, they're about head-sized and very nasty looking, these ones are after you. If you happen to be in the first or second district, the larger mosquitoes come in a heartless verity that are extremely hard to kill (all characters should have difficulty taking these out).

Meanwhile, overnight the forest in Twilight Town has overgrown and covered the place. The tram has been shut down by the overgrowth (but the train still runs out to Destiny Islands). While the mosquitoes aren't abundant inside/outside, the whole getting inside and outside is still as difficult as it was in Traverse Town.

Other towns have an increased mosquito population as well.

Note of importance: If you do not want your character to participating in the whole being stuck indoors/outdoors in Traverse Town and Twilight Town they can do one of two things- 1) Be in another town of their own power and choice the night before the event started (and no, you don't have to RP that out in the thread if you do not want to) or 2) They were teleported to another town in their sleep and woke up there. If you choose option 2, you will be teleported back at the end of the event.

Also! This event was made such that someone who is choosing to opt out of the mosquito biting can interact with someone who is participating in it (example: Germany who is both oblivious and has not been bitten by mosquitoes is chatting with Link who has bites on his face).

If you want some ideas for how this post can affect your character you can reference the proposal post here.

Sign ups and last minute Q and A go in this post. I hope you all have a good time with it!
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Short Hiatus [Jul. 28th, 2010|08:14 pm]
I know I'm not the most active around here and i've still got some people i need to reply to (which i will get to tonight, hopefully. If not tomorrow if i bring the netbook with me.), but I'm going to be gone for this weekend as I am going to Otakon. I'll be back late Sunday night.
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Event Idea! [Jul. 27th, 2010|01:02 pm]

Things have been getting kind of slow and I think we're all done having some drama, so its time for an event of some kind!

So here's my current event idea: mosquitoes have arrived in mass in the Traverse Town and surrounding areas.

Some of what could potentially happen to your character:
- They get bit by a mosquito and have an itchy spot.
- They get bit by lots of mosquitoes and have several itchy spots that may or may not be in great places to have itchy spots.
- They get sick from getting bit by a mosquito.
- It turns out they are allergic to mosquito bites.
- They are annoyed by the buzzing.
- They can't sleep due to the buzzing at night.
- They don't get bit but they're getting chased by swarms of mosquitoes.
- They don't notice anything unusual because they haven't been bit and don't hear the buzzing (aka opting out of the event).

You would also be welcome to have combinations of anything above or explore new things involving mosquitoes that are not mentioned above.

Remember! This is only an idea and this post is here to gage interest. If there is enough interest, we'll put the event on. If not, we'll do something else. You're welcome to provide new ideas for additions to this event, or just say you'd like to participate. Or even new event suggestions.

Edit: After reading some potential addition posts, I have decided to throw out those ideas for looking at as well. You can now state if you like the original event idea, or if you like it with additions. Again, you're welcome to make more additions or suggestions.

The addition: Overnight Traverse Town was suddenly covered in a large swamp and Twilight Town's forest has grown out of control and covered the entire town (other towns are not affected). The resulting growth has covered doors and windows such that they cannot be opened (windows and doors that were left open have now been shut). Characters in those places are either stuck inside with giant mosquitoes, some of which are heartless!mosquitoes, or they are roughing it outside in the forest with the smaller ones that are not heartless. It is possible to escape outdoors or indoors, but it requires breaking through thick vines or shattering windows (or blowing up walls). Any property damage will remain after the event is over. To opt out of that event, you would have your character not be in either Traverse Town or Twilight Town. You would be allowed to have your character randomly transported to another town and then have them randomly transported back when the event is over.

Unlike the forest portion of the event, the mosquitoes are still about in mass. So you have the option of participating in only one event. Also, in Twilight Town, the mosquito infestation is minimal, so you're welcome to participate in the only trapped/roughing it event there.

How's that sound?
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Official Claims Post [Jul. 26th, 2010|12:38 am]

This is the official claims post. If you'd like to claim a character please do it here.

Please copy and paste the form below and fill it out completely. Do not assume we will know you, your character, or your series. Filling out the form completely aids us with making sure our lists and contact information is correct.

When claiming characters please keep the following things in mind:
☆ Do not take more characters than you will be able to actively play with.
☆ Do not take characters for one time and/or limited use.
☆ Do not take main characters and/or characters that have a major influence in a cast if you will not have time to play as often as you like. This does not mean you cannot claim main characters altogether it simply means be considerate of your castmates if that applies. Example: You take Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist when there are six other players from the series and you can only play once a week.
☆ If you are playing your character from a specific point in your series please include that in the 'series' portion of the application.

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[Jul. 24th, 2010|10:39 pm]
I'm going to go hump [info]amazingme's leg after this for her post but I'll make this official statement for you all.

I can't explain the situation fully without naming names and such. Sadly this is something I refuse to do. I think at this point giving you all a she did this and so and so did that and then she did this is counterproductive. I'd much rather it be dropped and everyone go back to playing nicely. So you're not getting more than the bare minimum on that. Really. It's in the best interest.

It was a rash move on my part but the communities are still in my name and my e-mail, so I was able to do it. I tend to make rash moves when I get on-line and get the he said she said speeches from people. So right now I'm in the process of getting it back in order.

Due to her immense people skills, powers of being able to play neutral party, and the fact that she's stunning [info]amazingme is back on as co-mod. She is now your PR officer. All general personal grievances will go to her. Obviously she will surely be able to handle that for you.

I'll be editing this as new information rolls in. I'll also later be reopening claims seeing as that hasn't gotten back up yet. You can pick away at some of the recently dropped if you want them. *shifty eyes* In the mean time shoo get back to work go post something.

Edited: [info]machtschnell is now your final mod in charge of even coordinating. Any questions about events or ideas for such go to her.
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[Jul. 24th, 2010|09:24 pm]
Alright, after hearing everything a gathering information from various sources. I've decided to say my peace on the situation we are currently facing. Everything I say should be taken with a grain of salt but I am going to attempt to clear up any confusion.

First of all, I would like to say that this is an issue we are facing as a community. Certain people are involved and others are not involved, that is how conflicts work. This conflict however affects all of us both those of us who were mods and those who are simply players. We all know that the community as a whole has faced issues on and off again for a long time. This isn't new. What we are facing now is a culmination of the issues we face as a community all coming to a head and instead of approaching this as a battle of one against the other, we should take this as an opportunity to face these issues and work them out or else make a desicion about the future of this community as a whole. Everything is raw and open right now, we either continue to aggravate it or we try to heal it.

That being said, the parties involved with this current issue we face? None of us are innocent. We've all helped bring this to a head. I myself an just as guilty as anybody else. Strong personalities, poor communication, childishness, these things have all helped add to the pot so to speak. The four mods simply all had their own ways of doing things and their own ways of seeing them, we are all stubborn. We are all hard headed. We can all be childish. We are human and we make mistakes. Despite the mistakes we make the community has carried on. Things have been rough but the community always kept on.

Why did this happen? Well Vi taking back the community shouldn't exactly be a surprise. She is part owner. As part owner she can do as she pleases. While she may not have informed anybody of her decision she is not obligated to do that. It may seem unfair but that is simply how it is. Other reasons that may have been involved are really moot at this point. It was something she felt she should do and she has the right to do that.

What were the complaints? Well what are the complaints usually? There have always been complaints, there will always be complaints. We are all different. The biggest one was the infighting going on. The other mods may not want to acknowledge it in light of making themselves not look as bad but it was there. We all did it. We all went around and said things to each other. Members would come to each other and to mods and say things. Messages weren't always passed on, another lack of communication. Nobody should be named in this because the only thing naming does is point the blame at a single person and when that happens it only instils the fear that you cannot come to a mod without fear of what you saying being brought to light. So on the subject of complaints? It doesn't matter who made them. They were made. End of story.

This community is small. We have wonderful people, we really do. What is going on now is something that's being blown out of proportion. There are hurt feelings, confusion, and anger. This is putting unwarranted stress on everybody. Especially the people involved. Is a small community for roleplay so serious that all this needs to come about? That we are acting this way? That we just want to point fingers? That's no way to do things and it's unfair to everybody.

I am of the opinion that we can work through this. We don't need this drama. We need to work this out with civility and maturity and get ourselves back on the right track to making this a fun place to play without all the hidden bad feelings. We can either sort this out or we can just throw our hands up and forget the whole thing. We need structure and focus, we need constructive input, we need to not bring personal feelings about others into this. The community should come first and it seems to have fallen to the wayside for other things. Instead of fighting each other, let's just fight to keep this community alive.
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The mod formerly known as [info]propergentleman [Jul. 23rd, 2010|01:54 am]
I just wanted to say that this is my new mod journal.

Not sure why I wanted to say it but there you go.

Feel free to bask a little~ ♥
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CUTTING NOTICE!! [Jul. 21st, 2010|11:56 am]

We are still preforming the cutting of inactive characters. I will be done this upcoming Tuesday, July 27th, 2010 at around 3 pm ECT (the exact time is subject to some change).

Here's the updated cutting list )

If you want your character removed from the list, just post with them.
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This is a post of great importance! [Jul. 20th, 2010|09:31 pm]
Hello! As of a few minutes ago, I'm now officially amongst the ranks of the Traverse Town moderators.

Also, Vi, ([info]rebelqueen) stepped down as a moderator. So you still have four moderators here. I hope to do a good job. And thank you Vi for working hard here as a moderator. I hope you enjoy life as a player!
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