17 August 2010 @ 08:18 pm
A Graphic Challenge  
Okay lets have a little fun. I've picked out 4 screen caps, all from season 2. Your challenge.

Using just the 4 caps I have provided, make some icons, wallpapers, banners, what ever you can think of. Then post them in a separate post here. You can post as many as you want, as many times as you want. Lets flood this community with all things Trueblood.

I will post new caps in 2 weeks. This challenge is open to everyone who would like to participate. There will be no voting. So go play, have fun, and show us what you have done.

screencaps )
17 August 2010 @ 03:37 pm
Alexander Skarsgard Hickey Freeman ad...#2!  
I don't know about you guys, but this ad campaign is making me swoon whenever I see it.

It's like Askars does James Dean. *droool*

Unfortunately, I can't hotlink them in a decent size, but you can see a small cropped version in my icon and a full version here.
Current Mood: chipper
17 August 2010 @ 02:35 pm
Rolling Stone Cover  
Have you seen the Rolling Stone cover this month?

Image source

The article snippet is pretty good too. "To me, vampires are sex," he says. "I don't get a vampire story about abstinence. I'm 53. I don't care about high school students. I find them irritating and uninformed." Such an interesting quote from Alan Ball.
Current Mood: lazy
16 August 2010 @ 12:52 pm
Episode 309 Lets discuss it.  
Episode 309 was loaded with some good scenes last night. I've watched it twice already and as soon as my daughter gets home so I can put headphones on,(I have the grand kids today) I'm going to watch it again.

So lets start at the beginning.

Eric rushing into Fangtasia and talking to Pam. I love what Pam says here, "You never panic, should I panic!?!"

Lets discuss it )
15 August 2010 @ 10:05 pm
Episode 309 Screen Caps  
What did you think of this episode? I screen capped it first this time. I'm going to watch it again now and pay more attention.

I picked out a few scenes to share with you. It is very image heavy. and all images are from tonight's episode. So major spoilers if you have not watched this episode yet.

I will start icons in a few days. Lol...I'm taking some time off.

Spoiler images Episode 309 )
15 August 2010 @ 10:08 pm
Favorite Quotes  
There are so many awesome quotes in this show, particularly from S3, but I will try to narrow it down to just six!

6. Pam: "To Arlene's children: You make me so happy I never had any of you."
Eric: "No, c'mon Pam, they're funny. They're like humans, but miniature. 'Teacup humans'."

5. Sookie: "He's your maker isn't he?"
Eric: "Don't use words you don't understand."
Sookie: "You have a lot of love for him."
Eric: "Don't use words I don't understand."

4. Godric: "I'm actually older than your Jesus. I wish I could have known him, but I missed it."

3. Lafayette: "What the fuck is it with white people and jello?"

2. Pam: "Now why did you have to go and kill that maenad? She’s a terrific decorator."

1. And my favorite line from Bill: "Sookie is mine!"
Tied for favorite is from Talbot: "Franklin's brains won't wash off the guest linens, I had to bury werewolves under the gazebo, and that Sookie bitch staked Lorena. I've had enough excitement, thank you."
Current Mood: cheerful
14 August 2010 @ 11:47 pm
Random Trueblood icons  
Yo,I made some random tiny pics for the Grand Opening! ;)


Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

More at my journal
14 August 2010 @ 03:07 pm
Quote Me a Quote  
These are not just my favorite quotes, they also represent my six favorite characters. And, yes, Eric got two quotes. Be happy it wasn't like ten or something. :-P

"Those were great pumps."
"You surprise me, and that is a rare quality in a breather."

"Franklin's brains won't wash off the guest linens, I had to bury werewolves under the gazebo, and that Sookie bitch staked Lorena. I've had enough excitement, thank you."

"I don't know what it is about me that makes people think I want to hear their problems. Maybe I smile too much. Maybe I wear too much pink. But please remember I can rip your throat out if I need to. And also know that I am not a hooker. That was a long, long time ago."

"Spill no blood on your way out."

"'Scuse me. Who ordered the hamburger... with AIDS? ... Eat it! Bitch, you come into my house ,you gonna eat the food THE WAY I FUCKIN' MAKE IT! Do you understand me? Tip your waitress."

"Is it my fault my fangs come out when I get turned on?"
14 August 2010 @ 10:42 am
Large Gifs and some sidebars.  
Wow! you guys are wonderful. There have been some great entries. I posted the icons last night and promised the animations today. I have two large gifs, and six sidebar animations. Enjoy.

More pretties under the cut )
14 August 2010 @ 08:00 pm
Icon post True Blood  

rest here @ my journal
Current Location: way to hell
Current Mood: annoyed
Current Music: The Discoboys-I came for you
14 August 2010 @ 10:01 am
Fic: What Russell Doesn’t Know  
Title: What Russell Doesn't Know
Written By: [info]etextraordinary
Warnings: Just a little PWP. NC-17
Author's Notes:It picks up immediately after the fabulous gif from 305 that my partner in crime, [info]pfodge made ends, this one is for you! A huge thank you to [info]florida_minxie for beta'ing this for me!

What Russell Doesn't Know
14 August 2010 @ 07:24 am
*we can do it in the daylight*  
A CHALLENGE has been issued by the one and only [info]pfodge to introduce this new community by listing six of our favorite True Blood Quotes....I actually had other quotes picked out than the ones I am going to use...but I had to reevaluate my blood supply. I could not find screen caps for the quotes I wanted so I changed things around a bit.

there's more blood in the suppy line...clikcy click and be glamoured )
14 August 2010 @ 04:16 pm
Sexy Eric  
Because [info]firehead30 and [info]qafmaniac said so.

I found this fabulous pic of Eric, while searching for sreencaps. (I think it's a mock up, but a very good one. Or not?!?)

Fire meant the world has to see it.

Ok, as you wish, here it is.

Here's the icon to go with it, demanded by [info]qafmaniac.

Current Mood: amused
14 August 2010 @ 10:57 am
Favorite Trueblood Quotes  
I have no clue about the episode numbers, sorry.

Tara: "Giving Jason Stackhouse vampire blood is like giving Ho-Hos to a diabetic. You know he can't control himself."

Sam: “Nice rack.”
Daphne: “Nice balls.”

Maxine to Hoyt: “You're Dirty Harry now ‘cause you're dipping your penguin dick into that vamper tramp?”

Jessica to Bill: “You're going to be so sorry when I get an eating disorder!”

Eric: “Goodnight, tiny humans.”

Eric to Sookie: “Oh I’m not leaving. You’re going to invite me in so I can protect you. Or have passionate primal sex with you. How ‘bout both?”

Now it's your turn, show us what you have.
Current Mood: busy
14 August 2010 @ 10:50 am
Favorite Trueblood quotes  
[info]pfodge,one of the mods of this very fine and new asylum, said we should post our favorite Trueblood quotes here.

Ok,here we go:

"Come on.I'll show my weiner on your website."
Jason to Lafayette in 107

"Franklin's brains won't wash off the guest linens, I had to bury werewolves under the gazebo, and that Sookie bitch staked Lorena. I've had enough excitement, thank you."
Talbot in 308

"You're going to invite me in so I can protect you. Or have passionate, primal sex with you. Or how about both?"
Eric in 302

"I don't know what it is about me that makes people think I want to hear their problems. Maybe I smile too much. Maybe I wear too much pink. But please remember I can rip your throat out if I need to. And also know that I am not a hooker. That was a long, long time ago."
Pam in 301

"Spill no blood on your way out."
Godric in 208

"To have and to hold. To love and to cherish. To blah blah blah blah. Till death do you part. Doesn't it bother you that you'll be the only one doing the dying?"
Eric in 302

So,who's next? LOL
14 August 2010 @ 01:02 am
What are your favorite Trueblood Quotes?  
Yesterday I posted over in my journal, 6 of my favorite Trueblood Quotes, here and asked you to get ready to post yours here.

Now it is your turn, In a separate post, post 6 of your favorite quotes from the show, what episode they are from, and who said it. It's time for me to go to bed, but I look forward to reading your answers in the morning.
14 August 2010 @ 03:32 am
Definitely Dead - A SVM/True Blood RPG  
Hiyas, Dops recommended I post this here and thought it would be okay :)

Which Side Are You On?

It's 2010. The worlds are colliding like never before. The werewolves have come out to the world. The were-panthers have made their entrance. Years before, the vampires outed themselves. Then there are the humans. And now? Fairies. The worlds are clashing with humans as prey. Who will come out of it in the end? How broken and defeated will they be? Will there even be anything left of them when they do? It's the survival of the fittest among species.

WANTED: Sookie Stackhouse, Pam Ravenscroft, Hadley Hale, The Magister and many others!

... the worlds are colliding, who will come out on top?
Characters Wanted
Mod Journal // IC Journal // OOC Journal

14 August 2010 @ 12:11 am
Okay lets get this party started!  
Hello everyone, I'm so excited to have finally gotten this asylum up and running. I have a few people to thank first before I post my first set of icons here. First of all big hugs to [info]qafmaniac who designed this beautiful layout for us. She did a wonderful job. So everyone please give her some much deserved love in the comments.

And Second to my partner in this venture [info]etextraordinary The two of us decided to do this out of the blue, while talking about the fact that there are really no active communities over here in the Trueblood fandom, that we could find. Of course after we said that, they started to pop up. This is our playground though, and we want all of you to have fun here.

Now are you ready for icons. These are from episodes 306-308. So be warned there are spoilers. I will be posting large gifs and sidebars in the morning.

The rest are here @ my journal
14 August 2010 @ 01:29 am
Its finally time!  

Welcome to TrueBlood_World! The first and best place for all your True Blood needs and wants!

We will have discussions, writing prompts/challenges, user pics and graphics, graphics challenges, and all sorts of other craziness all centered on True Blood. Please post as often as you want, the more the merrier!

Just a couple of administrative notes from [info]pfodge and myself:
1. Please use the tags in the side bar, it makes our lives easier, and that makes for happy mods!
2. Images larger than 500x300 should always be under a lj cut. and all Stories over 100 words should be under a lj cut.
3. Please keep all spoilers under a cut. Any episode less than 2 weeks old is considered a spoiler.
4. This is an open community. When posting links to your stories that are in your own journal, please make sure that the entry is not locked. There is nothing worse that clicking on a link in a open community, only to find out you can't read a post, because you are not on their friends list.

If you want to take another look at the rules, they are in the header!

Now that all of the official business is out of the way; we have this awesome place to play, it seems like a good idea to get to know each other. Some people know each other from other Fandoms or LJ, but not everyone knows each other; so let’s make new friends! Post something in the comments about you and maybe a favorite TB scene, episode, quote, character, picture, whatever you want, just share the TB love!
Current Mood: excited