Triumphant: ooc.

July 2014


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May 9th, 2014



[No Subject]

An Introduction (and also a hiatus! Multitasking WHAT WHAT)

Hi! This is Tony and THIS is Regina Travers.

She's a society darling, phlanthropist, some kind of junior assistant to the Minister, on the surface just a bubbly, friendly, totally good person who has absolutely nothing to do with Daddy's descent into madness and gee it was such a shame what he did to those McKinnons D:

...while underneath she's a cold and calculating political monster with aspirations for the death of all Muggleborns, eradication of Dumbledore's bullshit, and world domination (Just kidding about that last one. No I'm not).

She runs a book club for young society ladies, is an outstanding giver to various charities, is the kind of person who speaks at Fundraising Dinners for things, etc. She has worked very very hard to cultivate this image of being Britain's Sweetheart (Rita, specifically, might find it fun to note how she is the exact OPPOSITE of Benjy in everything that will find its way into the press.) and will do her best to keep it going for as long as possible... while also wanting to become involved in the Neo Death Eater resurgence.

She's special. And I'm coming down with something so I'm not sure how much sense I'm making so... it might be best to just look at her profile?

Meanwhile: I'm finishing up my first semester in grad school and it is beating me up. Work is not helping. And neither is the aforementioned coming down with something. You might've noticed I haven't been around much the past week or so, and that will likely continue a bit long. BUT I LOVE YOU ALL AND BENJY AND NOW REGINA WILL BE BACK TO FUCK SHIT UP SOON I PROMISE.