Jul. 30th, 2014




Hello lovely people! Ros here, with mod-hat on.

You may have noticed that the activity check is running a little late this month; this is actually a bit of an update and a check-in in its place.

We've come to the decision that, life being what it is (hectic) and this game being what it is (delicious, but slower-burning than some), [info]triumphant is best suited to being a GPSL. All of the modly team will be continuing, and we really hope you'll want to as well; it's been wonderful building up this world with you and there's plenty more to come.

What does this mean practically? The monthly activity check will be replaced with a check-in like we had last month, which will be a chance to give a character update and touch base with other players. We are continuing the approach to plot we have had throughout: broad outlines of events to be detailed and filled in by players (please do chip in and carry on building plot with us). Let's continue to write excellent things together! :D

If you have any questions just pop them here (or send us an email if you prefer, either's grand) -- and this is the end-of-July check in post.

Jul. 9th, 2014


[No Subject]


Quick rundown: the piece by Cuffe where he goes all gaga over Crouch Sr is accurate in summing up what the public knows about Barty Crouch Jr: NADA. "...and even went as far as to withdraw from Hogwarts after his sixth year in order to continue his studies at an accelerated pace. Crouch confirms that his son, who has not been seen in public since before his mother’s funeral, is abroad, and that they communicate regularly, exchanging letters in what Francie wryly describes as the Language of the Month." = BALONEY.

Crouch actually had his suspicions about his son's DE tendencies and confronted him about it shortly after the Longbottoms were tortured. Instead of hauling him before the Wizengamot, Crouch did what he does in the books: place his son under an Imperius. Barty has been under house arrest up until a few months ago, when he finally managed to overthrow the spell (with some help from Winky, ofc!!). He then stalked Moody, overpowered him, and has been living la vida Alastor Moody thanks to some Polyjuice ever since! YAY. (& yes, the man is still alive. Somewhere.)

To keep things simple, I've decided that Moody has been one of those cranky older men who doesn't keep up with the times ie he never really acquired a journal, so he hasn't been up to speed with a lot of what the Order has been saying. Which means neither has Barty.

ALSO. I will be sort of playing Rufus Scrimgeour for plot purposes! He will be at [info]scrimmage.

ALSO x 2-- well, what are character limits anyway? Consider them lifted. :)

Jul. 2nd, 2014




Plot post: July. )

Jun. 29th, 2014




Activity check: June. )



[No Subject]

Uh slightly belatedly since I've been here for a day, for the next week I'm in my hometown visting family, getting some work sorted for an exhibition and seeing how the rebuild is going. I'm not REALLY on hiatus, but because I'm on my tablet I can't use lj juggler to switch between accounts quickly and I've got things scheduled for a few of the days I'm here that will take me away from the internet.

Jun. 5th, 2014



[No Subject]

QUICK NOTE. i am going to new orleans this weekend for my birthday, and while i will have wifi/my iphone, i will probably not really use it much for rp, so... catch y'all on tuesday. :D




[No Subject]

Well then. May kicked my butt, and I kinda fell off the face of the planet, there. Sorry. Really sorry. But I'm back, and want to do things, and there's this whole rebel Order thing that was supposed to be happening...

So can someone fill me in on what I missed?

Jun. 2nd, 2014



does anybody stay dead around there?


Saj here, apparently picking up all the characters, but I promise this is it? This one is Dorcas Meadowes, who is supposed to be, uh, dead, but is, in fact, not dead (which is very fashionable these days!).

I recommend reading her history here, because it's complicated-ish. TL;DR version: Dorcas is Gryffindor '73. A former Hitwizard. Muggleborn. Personally groomed by Dumbledore from a very young age. Also? Secret metamorphagus. Secret everything, really. In the Order, she did all the no good, very bad things that Dumbledore would rather the public (and other Order members) not know about, all in the name of The End Justifies the Means. And then she got left for dead by a, some could say, very justifiably vengeful death eater, barely survived by the skin of her teeth and then kind of took the opportunity to peace out on y'all because, really, trauma. However, when she heard that DEs are back in business, she came back and is ready to shut that down once and for all (aka Kill All the Death Eaters) and you are either with her or you are in her way, and she's not squeamish about clearing a path for herself.

On that pleasant note! Plots?

Jun. 1st, 2014




Plot post: June. )

May. 29th, 2014




Activity check: May. )

May. 22nd, 2014



[No Subject]

OK DEATH EATERS. My timing is off, but whatever. It's been a crappy week. But on the 20th, you should have felt your Dark Mark go all burny. It is a sign, of course. A call to the faithful. And Bella is following that up with a message, and an invitation.

Questions? Let's talk 'em.

May. 21st, 2014



[No Subject]

Soooo I've been like super absent even for the Diagon Alley thing as I've been not well and trying to keep/catch up with schoolwork and my only halfway-active muses are the gloomy depressed ones. I'm still pretty flat and struggling to connect with my other characters but I will hopefully at least start to get back on top of things soon, at the very very least before activity checks but ideally earlier.

May. 17th, 2014



[No Subject]

Hi guys! A couple points of order:
  • Feel free to continue posting in the thread for the Gringotts shenanigans - or outside of the thread, too - but in the interest of maintaining momentum, we want to encourage you to move it along! Time for aftermath and such.

  • How do you feel about how things are going so far? What is the best way to communicate plot, to encourage you to participate and otherwise make you feel warm and squishy? This is your game as much as it is ours, and we want to make sure everyone's voice is heard and they feel like they are a part of the process. So let us know what we can do to make things better for you. You can either email us or respond right here. We encourage open dialogue, and we want to hear from you!

  • For those of you with Death Eaters (and those of you with pyromaniacs yeahhhhh), keep in mind that the next point-of-order on the calendar is this one right here:
    20 Effigies of Albus Dumbledore are set alight in Hogsmeade, York and Brighton. By the bye, were you a Death Eater once upon a time? Tonight, you feel the prick and the tingle of your Dark Mark. And besides the terror you may feel because you know what it means, you are likewise scared that the Ministry’s magical nets will sense this unbidden charm and bring you in.

  • So since this is happening on the 20th, we have some time to plot out logs or happenings! Feel free to take the bit between your teeth and run.

    May. 13th, 2014



    [No Subject]

    Hello, loves! With regards to this plot:
    14. Re-entering British borders is difficult when you had previously been indefinitely deported. Bellatrix Lestrange, through several webs of chicanery and deceit, re-visits the family vault at Gringott’s and retrieves a very important artifact. Perhaps you were in Diagon Alley and caught a glimpse of a countenance that did not reflect just right? When leaving the bank, her small company is confronted by DMLE. They escape, but not before setting fire to Madam Malkin’s, and doing structural damage to other buildings in the area. Were you there? What happened? How do you characterise it? Is this at all different from the way in which the media did?

    We wanted to encourage panic on the streets of London. :)

    That is, any tip-offs to the DMLE, general craziness or other business? Let's plot about it here! So talk to me. Let's figure out what we'd like to do.

    May. 11th, 2014



    [No Subject]

    Hullo friends! Saj here. Saj who has picked up Kingsley Shacklebolt, because ♥.

    Kingsley is the Deputy Head of the DMLE, reporting directly to Rufus Scrimegour himself. He's had years and years of experience as an Auror, one of the front-liners in the war, but also happens to be a smooth political operator. He'd rather Crouch NOT absorb his whole department, thankyouverymuch, but this sloooow dismantling is killing him in pieces.

    Essentially, he acts as Mama Bear to all his little Aurors, Hitwizards (for now...) and MLE officers, manages the magically shrinking budget (new edict: everyone must use their tea bags at least TWICE, and yes, we are switching to bags, what do you think this is, Buckingham Palace?), and tries to protect his men and women from getting sacked when they do something stupid.

    He will stare at you expectantly until you divulge everything you've done wrong, and probably some things you didn't know you've done wrong too, and then he will wipe your tears, pat you on the back, and make you clean the toilets for the next two weeks. Because their janitor has been moved to part time.

    SO. You know. Plots and such! I am there for that. Oh yes.

    May. 9th, 2014



    [No Subject]

    An Introduction (and also a hiatus! Multitasking WHAT WHAT)

    Hi! This is Tony and THIS is Regina Travers.

    She's a society darling, phlanthropist, some kind of junior assistant to the Minister, on the surface just a bubbly, friendly, totally good person who has absolutely nothing to do with Daddy's descent into madness and gee it was such a shame what he did to those McKinnons D:

    ...while underneath she's a cold and calculating political monster with aspirations for the death of all Muggleborns, eradication of Dumbledore's bullshit, and world domination (Just kidding about that last one. No I'm not).

    She runs a book club for young society ladies, is an outstanding giver to various charities, is the kind of person who speaks at Fundraising Dinners for things, etc. She has worked very very hard to cultivate this image of being Britain's Sweetheart (Rita, specifically, might find it fun to note how she is the exact OPPOSITE of Benjy in everything that will find its way into the press.) and will do her best to keep it going for as long as possible... while also wanting to become involved in the Neo Death Eater resurgence.

    She's special. And I'm coming down with something so I'm not sure how much sense I'm making so... it might be best to just look at her profile?

    Meanwhile: I'm finishing up my first semester in grad school and it is beating me up. Work is not helping. And neither is the aforementioned coming down with something. You might've noticed I haven't been around much the past week or so, and that will likely continue a bit long. BUT I LOVE YOU ALL AND BENJY AND NOW REGINA WILL BE BACK TO FUCK SHIT UP SOON I PROMISE.

    May. 5th, 2014



    [No Subject]


    Rosmerta (Hufflepuff, class of 1977) is cheerful, no-nonsense, and friendly without necessarily being your friend -- until she is, in which case, SCORE, you've got yourself a good tab on the house (maybe). She is the owner & manager of the Three Broomsticks (she refers to it as the 3B). She knows what your favourite drink is. She knows who's got running (and overdue) tabs. She's named the shrunken skulls and thinks they're a charming fixture to her place. She has an ex-husband by the name of Bertie Higgs, and while she got the village of Hogsmeade in the divorce, we don't talk about how hung up on him she is. What does help: virile bartenders and chefs and patrons, yep. Flirt mode is activated when she throws on the glamour charms and emerges as a platinum blonde. When she needs to unwind, she goes to the Hog's Head.

    Rosmerta was strongly Order-leaning during the first war. I don't have her down as having known specific identities (UNLESS YOU WOULD LIKE THAT!), but I would love for the Order-that-was to have considered the 3B as a good place to hang out (especially for the old sekrit meeting!), because that place is a maze and has some stellar wards on it. She used to trust Dumbledore -- not least because he inspired her to take a few years out and live with her squib brother and experience muggle university (Imperial College, chemistry) -- but now she has lapsed into work work work & fairly frequent one night stands, because anything's better than focusing on the shit that is their world today.

    Feed me your plots. :3

    May. 4th, 2014



    [No Subject]

    Hey, hey. HELLO.

    Meet Josephine Savage, French Muggleborn Auror. She was stationed in England during the First Wizarding War and due to her *~connections~* with a certain REL, her most beloved brother Manech was brutally murdered. She's spent the last 10 years picking up the pieces and doing contract work for the French Auror department.

    Well, since England is in the process of going pear-shaped another time, she's back. So, she's not only providing assistance to the DMLE but quietly reporting to the continent and keeping them apprised of the escalating shenanigans. Just in case, you know. Nobody wants that crazy nanny-state business coming over the Channel.

    Jo's rep from the first war will be as an incredibly competent auror and a barbaric duellist. She also didn't fuck with subnationals - even the Order - and thought they got in the way of justice. Now, even though she feels similarly, she's been tasked with giving aide to any group that brings peace back to England. And to her? It's as long as they're right and just to all.

    This is Chel, btw. :3



    [No Subject]

    Hello lovelies! Firstly an apology for being a bit absent this past week (work & lurgy, nothing exciting) -- but I am about again, and come bearing gifts aka Ivy Fortescue and Bertie Higgs. :D

    IVY - [info]brontide
    Ivy was a hitwitch until January, though in recent years she had done a fair bit of basic training across the whole DMLE (and a little for the DMU, albeit under sufferance). An emergency callout turned out to be a werewolf incident, which ended in the deaths of two MLE trainees and one very much bitten hitwitch. She managed to get herself out of Mungo's -- which was fun -- but is effectively under house arrest up in Carlisle; the wards haven't been broken yet, and like hell is she coming out to trigger the surveillance charms/meet the Ministry officer(s) stationed around the perimeter.

    So she's a happy lady.

    BERTIE - [info]respublica
    In a former life Bertie was a Wizengamot-trained DMLE-attached barrister. He was also married to Rosmerta Higgs of 3B fame; when it was good it was glorious, but a growing dependency on alcohol whilst being married to a landlord is not necessarily the best of situations, and in those years to say Bertie wasn't his best self outside of work would be an understatement. When the divorce was finalised he quit his job, spent eight months in Patagonia sobering up and then joined a barristers' chambers just off Diagon Alley. In trouble with The Powers That Be and need a lawyer who refuses to back down out of sheer bloodymindedness? Bertie's your man. (He's still a bit of a human disaster in his private life, though, even if he is dry. & to say he's still hung up on Rosmerta is like saying water is wet.)

    May. 2nd, 2014



    [No Subject]

    Just a note! Sab and I have started putting together a little doc for the black market side of our characters and I know there are other people whose characters are active in the black market so I wanted to know whether you want in on the doc so we can all talk about what our characters do, what they trade in and maybe have some fun coming up with some plotty stuff!