Triumphant: ooc.

July 2014


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May 4th, 2014



[No Subject]

Hey, hey. HELLO.

Meet Josephine Savage, French Muggleborn Auror. She was stationed in England during the First Wizarding War and due to her *~connections~* with a certain REL, her most beloved brother Manech was brutally murdered. She's spent the last 10 years picking up the pieces and doing contract work for the French Auror department.

Well, since England is in the process of going pear-shaped another time, she's back. So, she's not only providing assistance to the DMLE but quietly reporting to the continent and keeping them apprised of the escalating shenanigans. Just in case, you know. Nobody wants that crazy nanny-state business coming over the Channel.

Jo's rep from the first war will be as an incredibly competent auror and a barbaric duellist. She also didn't fuck with subnationals - even the Order - and thought they got in the way of justice. Now, even though she feels similarly, she's been tasked with giving aide to any group that brings peace back to England. And to her? It's as long as they're right and just to all.

This is Chel, btw. :3



[No Subject]

Hello lovelies! Firstly an apology for being a bit absent this past week (work & lurgy, nothing exciting) -- but I am about again, and come bearing gifts aka Ivy Fortescue and Bertie Higgs. :D

IVY - [info]brontide
Ivy was a hitwitch until January, though in recent years she had done a fair bit of basic training across the whole DMLE (and a little for the DMU, albeit under sufferance). An emergency callout turned out to be a werewolf incident, which ended in the deaths of two MLE trainees and one very much bitten hitwitch. She managed to get herself out of Mungo's -- which was fun -- but is effectively under house arrest up in Carlisle; the wards haven't been broken yet, and like hell is she coming out to trigger the surveillance charms/meet the Ministry officer(s) stationed around the perimeter.

So she's a happy lady.

BERTIE - [info]respublica
In a former life Bertie was a Wizengamot-trained DMLE-attached barrister. He was also married to Rosmerta Higgs of 3B fame; when it was good it was glorious, but a growing dependency on alcohol whilst being married to a landlord is not necessarily the best of situations, and in those years to say Bertie wasn't his best self outside of work would be an understatement. When the divorce was finalised he quit his job, spent eight months in Patagonia sobering up and then joined a barristers' chambers just off Diagon Alley. In trouble with The Powers That Be and need a lawyer who refuses to back down out of sheer bloodymindedness? Bertie's your man. (He's still a bit of a human disaster in his private life, though, even if he is dry. & to say he's still hung up on Rosmerta is like saying water is wet.)