Jun. 2nd, 2012


WHO: Masca and Sarrac
WHAT: Getting her into the Medium.
WHEN: After Sotain enters the Medium
WHY: Well now Masca needs to enter!

please don't smash up my hive )

May. 31st, 2012


WHO: Ziven and Masca
WHAT: Ziven asks Masca to tell him about the game.
WHERE: Trollian.
WHEN: Sometime between Masca installing Sgrub and everyone else connecting.
WHY: He's a curious.
Read more... )

May. 27th, 2012


WHO: Sotain and Masca
WHAT: Setting up for this mysterious new game.
WHERE: Over Trollian.
WHEN: The same night everyone installs Sgrub.
WHY: It's a game, that will be fun!

The client player is totally in charge of the server player... right? )

May. 22nd, 2012


[Trollplay Forum Post] [Subject: New game]

WHO: Everyone
WHAT: A mysterious post on the Trollplay forum.
WHERE: Video Games subforum of the Trollplay boards
WHEN: Early evening
WHY: ???

But does OP have fancy forum signatures? )