January 10th, 2009

[info]sweetsorcery in [info]trek_fix

ADMIN: Welcome!

I think everyting essential is probably covered on the profile page, so consider this just a hello.

Feel free to ask any questions or drop off any suggestions for challenges or prompts here.

And don't be shy about posting. This fandom is big enough that I'm confident we can get at least a little bit of activity going, even during the current blogging slump. I'll be promoting this on [info]asylum_promo as soon as we have a few posts up. I'm about to post a couple of my fics, but of course it would be nice if someone else joined in the posting. New and older stories are welcome! It's all new here, after all.

Do use the headers provided, please. Tags for authors and pairings will be added as they become necessary.

I'm just putting together a little "questionnaire" (or meme, if you like) so we can assertain our respective Trekky interests. :)

[info]sweetsorcery in [info]trek_fix

FIC "A Burning Question" TOS Kirk/Spock [PG-13] 1/1

Title: A Burning Question
Author: Deanna
Pairing/Characters: Kirk/Spock
Series: TOS
Rating: [PG-13]
Summary: Since the events in Amok Time, strange thoughts have been circling in Kirk's mind. Only Spock can put him at ease again.

Disclaimer: Star Trek is owned by Paramount/Viacom and the estate of Gene Roddenberry; the author is merely playing and not making profit, and means no harm or infringement.
Notes: This was written for an ASCEM challenge to begin a story with the line "Kiss me".


[info]sweetsorcery in [info]trek_fix

FIC "Remedies" DS9 Garak/Bashir [PG-13] 1/1

Title: Remedies
Author: Deanna
Pairing/Characters: Garak/Bashir
Series: DS9
Rating: [PG-13]
Summary: Garak has a medical emergency. Luckily, Julian is an expert in his field.
Warnings: Oblivious!Julian - isn't he cute?

Disclaimer: Star Trek is owned by Paramount/Viacom and the estate of Gene Roddenberry; the author is merely playing and not making profit, and means no harm or infringement.


[info]sweetsorcery in [info]trek_fix

FIC "Breaking Point" VOY Tuvok/Guill [PG-13] 1/1

Title: Breaking Point
Author: Deanna
Pairing/Characters: Tuvok/Guill
Series: VOY
Rating: [PG-13]
Summary: Guill is dangerous to Tuvok's self control.

Disclaimer: Star Trek is owned by Paramount/Viacom and the estate of Gene Roddenberry; the author is merely playing and not making profit, and means no harm or infringement.
Notes: Just a drabble on the season 4 episode Random Thoughts. OTP!


[info]sweetsorcery in [info]trek_fix

FIC "Careful what you wish for" VOY Tuvok/Paris [PG-13] 1/1

Title: Careful what you wish for
Author: Deanna
Pairing/Characters: Tuvok/Paris
Series: VOY
Rating: [PG-13]
Summary: Who says Vulcans don't have a sense of humour?

Disclaimer: Star Trek is owned by Paramount/Viacom and the estate of Gene Roddenberry; the author is not making profit and means no harm or infringement.