TREAT YO SELF. - January 13th, 2016 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
A Comm on Feeling Hella Boss.

You're so   filthy,
and I'm   gorgeous.

13th Jan. 2016

Zoya [13th Jan. 2016 • 09:47]


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Hey peeps, last day of the Zoya promo today! 4 polishes for $15!

I remember when it used to be $10, AH WELL. Also I remember last year it took WEEKS for my polishes to arrive, so just be prepared for that if you order.
link4 • CMNT

indie perfume oil destash! [13th Jan. 2016 • 18:33]



I'm back! With goodies! I've finally finished testing out my samples, and now I'm clearing out my stash of things I can live without. Note: just because I wasn't crazy about it, doesn't mean that these don't smell good! I can acknowledge that all of these are probably going to appeal to someone -- just not the someone that is myself.

Everything has been swatched 1-2x on my wrist. All perfume oil samples are about 1ml and being sold for $1.00, and you should be getting about 3-8 uses out of them, depending on how much you put on. If the price is different, it is listed. Everything is organized by brand house & listed with the notes/site description to make this as easy as possible. Shipping is just $3 (or possibly less if you get only one or two!). You guys get first pick & then I'm going to head on over to Reddit to finish off my destash ♥

link16 • CMNT

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