Traverse Town [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Traverse Town

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[Jun. 28th, 2010|06:14 pm]
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[Current Mood |amused]

Who: Russia
When: After Dark
Where: First District
Warnings: Vodka?
Open/Closed: Open

While Russia had spent the past several minutes in search of the Baltics, he was not bothered by the sudden change in environment. Actually he found the warm air to be quite invigorating, his toes doing well to curl within his boots. The little grin tugged at his mouth, stepping over a rather large crack in the stone road. No matter how insulated his multiple layers of clothes along with the thick woolen coat were, he had no intention of even letting the slightest bit of air touch skin. To do so would ruin the sauna effect his body was creating just for him.

If anyone were to observe the quite tall man practically dancing around the mottled stone, he would surely appear quite lost, mentally that is. But in fact, he was just enjoying a bit of a game before continuing his search. While he was more than capable of calling the other countries, that would completely negate his skill in finding each and every one.
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