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[Aug. 15th, 2010|03:39 pm]
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Who: Prussia, Germany
Where: Second District
When: Morning
Warnings: Keiner
Open/Closed: Closed I suppose, just ask to join.

Prussia's feet pounded heavy against the cobblestone as he ran past assorted buildings and through alleyways. "WEST!" he bellowed out on occasion, not caring who he disturbed or the odd looks he was getting "WEEEEST!"

Tightly balled in his fist was a single sheet of paper, one of the worst and most important paper he'd held in a long time. He was not about to let it go for anything. His mind raced as his eyes went back and forth across the street frantically while he continued to call out for his brother. The former nation's mind was clouded with thoughts of what could be happening to Italy, where he could be, where his brother could be, would Russia have gotten to him as well? The knot was tight in his stomach as he cursed himself for letting this happen. He told Italy he'd keep him safe and now the other nation had disappeared right from his bed. Some protector. His brother could be in just as much danger if Russia was involved, which only increased Prussia's pace and cries as he ran down the street.

He had simply woken up and found the note. The note with the vague words but familiar handwriting and even more familiar scent. He hated to admit it but he needed help and the only person he would be willing to turn to could be in just as much trouble as Italy. Time was wasting away for both of them, what was he going to do if West wasn't alright? How could he face Russia alone. He didn't want to think about it. He just wanted to find his brother safe and then get Italy back.
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[Jul. 22nd, 2010|01:12 am]
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Who: Prussia, North Italy
Where: Second District - Traverse Town
When: Evenning?
Warnings: No
Open/Closed: Closed

Prussia locked the door to the pet shop, taking one last look inside at the animals winding down in the various cages. He sighed and pocketed the key, looking up and down the street. What had happened to Austria? Had that all been his imagination? Had he really been here so long that his mind was starting to go? Hardly having attachment as a nation in his world, being completely severed from that in this strange place could be taking his toll on him. It wasn't really something he wanted to think about though...he'd been trapped in worse places and managed to survive. He could do this.

On the note of worse places...

Was it suddenly cold here? With no sun, it was hard to tell what was day and what was night. The weather seemed weird too. Nothing in this world made any sense! At least he had his pet shop to keep his mind occupied. Though the Prussian rarely stayed tied down to the place. Going out now was more like a ritual than anything. He'd close up shop and stalk the streets looking for any sign of home. Not that he would admit it if he was questioned on it. He'd seen Austria and for a moment could put himself back into his old skin and make everything seem alright, even if that situation had been truly bizarre. Even if it were only for another fleeting moment he wanted that feeling back.

Despite his feelings now, he'd left Austria behind. He'd just left him in that alley and never saw him again. He let go of the only strand connecting him to his world. For what? Pride? Prussia sighed and started down the district. He just needed to find that strand again. That bit of hope.
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[Jun. 28th, 2010|04:55 pm]
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[Current Mood |aggravated]

Who: Austria
When: Lantern lit as always
Where: Alley in the First District
Warnings: Um. Not really.
Open/Closed: Open. Free as a bird.

Read more... )
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[Jun. 24th, 2010|12:09 am]
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Who: Gino
Where: Pet Store Second District
When: Afternoon
Warnings: None
Open/Closed: Open

It was an eventful afternoon of seeing how many gerbils he could have climb up on him before he burst into a giggle fit. Right now the record he set for himself was three. Though because he failed to break it in the past rousing hour he had moved on to hamsters, because you can fit more hamsters on you than gerbils.

Plus he had run out of bags of dog food for his fort. There was an entire eastern wall missing so he'd have to talk to the supervisors about ordering more. Sure he could use cat food but those bags weren't nearly as thick and would be a weak spot. Surely the ferrets in aisle five would take advantage of that.

Anyway Gino is now up to six hamsters. Okay seven, and that's when one managed to crawl down his pants causing the blond to go into a frenzy of laughing, squirming and trying to get the little critter out of his shorts.
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