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Traverse Town

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[Jun. 28th, 2010|12:30 pm]

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[Current Mood |aggravated]

Who: Jubilee
When: Considering Traverse Town is almost always dark she has no idea
Where: Somewhere in Second District
Warnings: Jubes talks like Wolverine when she's angry so swearing most likely.
Open/Closed: Very open! Someone come talk to me!

Anyone watching would see a shadow heartless flying out into the open and exploding in a shower of colorful sparks. Quickly followed by a second. A grumbling dark haired women came out into the open glaring at where they had landed. Why those things had followed her since she'd woken up in that alley she wasn't sure. The one thing Jubilee was sure of was that they really liked her powers. "Will you damn things leave me alone!"
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[Jun. 26th, 2010|11:57 pm]
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Who: Ludwig (Germany)
Where: Second district
When: Morning
Warnings: Uh, depressing!Ludwig, other than that, none.
Open/Closed: Open

Ludwig is very, very unhappy with himself right now. After getting over being sick with a nasty head cold, he discovered he had run out of free days at the Inn and had no means of paying. This was mostly due the fact he was already in debt and angering the Inn owner hadn't helped matters. So Ludwig's out on his own on the streets, hungry, in debt, and homeless.

Ludwig sighed and carried his possessions (mostly his tools for his trade that was getting him no where) to somewhere. Well he stopped in the middle of the street and sat down and stared up at the sky.

Oh wait, let's add homesick to that list too.

Why? Because the one thing Ludwig really wants right now is to have a bier with Gilbert, more than anything he wants to be with his Bruder. Gilbert would understand exactly how he feels right now best.
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[Jun. 16th, 2010|10:34 pm]
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Who: Leon
When: Afternoon
Where: Second District
Warnings: None
Open/Closed: Open

Leon frowned a bit. So the rumors were true. He had managed to make it from Hollow Bastion all the way to Traverse Town. There also appeared to be openings to other towns as well. This probably wasn't good anytime something like this happened it was usually bad news. He sighed tapping his gunblade against his shoulder. "I suppose this explains the heartless sightings." He muttered to himself.
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[Jun. 2nd, 2010|12:57 am]
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Who: Conan
When: Afternoon
Where: Third District
Warnings: None
Open/Closed: Open

Conan frowned looking around. None of this was making any sense. What in the world was he doing in the middle of this strange and cartoon looking town? He intertwining his fingers resting his head on them deep in thought. Odder things had happened to him so being in a strange place like this was plausible, he supposed. It was just a matter of figuring out what this actually entailed. He sighed looking around. He really wasn't sure how he should approach this. Maybe the lost little kid approach?

He wandered around a bit looking pouty hoping someone might stop and help.
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[May. 15th, 2010|11:42 am]
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Who: Link and Cloud
Where: Traverse Town, second district, not near the Inn
When: Early Afternoon
Warnings: None
Open/Closed: Open

After exploring and mapping Twilight Town, Link had wandered out of that place and into a strange field. He spent the night there and woke up disoriented and somehow losing track of which direction he had come from. No matter, Link just wandered aimlessly until he arrived in Traverse Town. Since this was a new place, it warranted more exploring. Right now Link is looking for high ground to do some observing from and unfortunately he hasn't found any yet beyond the roofs of buildings.

Which has led him to standing in this side street, staring up at this wall, pondering if his claw shot would grab that little rooster thing on the roof he could see. He's still within view from the main street and he's awfully obvious in his green outfit.
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[May. 8th, 2010|01:41 pm]

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Who: Cloud
When: Noon
Where: Crossroads Fields
Warnings: None
Open/Closed: Open

If anyone were to step outside of Traverse Town they might hear the distinct sound of a motorcycle wreck. Screeeeeeech BOOM. Crash. Bang.

The victim? Cloud Strife. He couldn't exactly figure out how making an innocent delivery, driving over a nice innocent bridge somehow turned into a strange twilight-zone-like change of scenery where suddenly you're in a large field and a huge rock appeared right under the your front tire unfortunately too close to get out of the way off while you're speeding. Curse the speeding! Then you're getting flung over before you know it and rolled through some grass after getting hit in the face with your own break pedal. How did that happen?

"...Ugh.." He stayed completely still for a long moment, staring at the sky and trying to get over the inital disorientation of the situation. Should've worn a helmet. He carefully propped himself up on his elbows and looked at a nice smoking pile of bike with a long sigh. Poor Fenrir.
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